


2 years, 2 months ago


Rozano is a Summitwing Wind Wolf who is currently my secondary sona.


  • Name: Rozano
  • Gender: Male
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Birthday: April 15th
  • Age: 24 years
  • Species: Wind
  • Variant: Summitwing
  • Blood Type: A+
  • Orientation: Bisexual
  • Nicknames: Ano. Roza.

  • Pack: Rozano's group (not really an official pack)
  • Rank: Pack/Group Leader (somewhat unofficially)

Rozano is a pretty chill and relaxed wolf, not liking to fight with anyone and can sometimes come off as flirty though it often results in him not realising he has been flirting. He is serious when needs be and can turn into a completely different wolf when serious or angry. Rozano never gets angry as he is scared of himself when he loses his temper as he knows he has killed and eaten wolves before in anger and fear. He is pretty diplomatic and good at keeping those around him calm and at ease - being incredibly patient, warm, and welcoming to all those he meets. He tries to see the good in others but isn't stupid and will stand up for himself, not liking to be pushed around and hates it when he loses control - therefore all wolves who can read minds or control other wolves often get themselves attacked by him. Rozano does not like losing that sense of control over his body and mind. He is a bit of a hopeless romantic but has no desire for now to find a romantic relationship - even being scared of opening up to another wolf like that.



Rozano has all the moves and abilities of his species and variant. He is a summoner but his summoning spirit is unknown for now.
He also has a unique ability but this ability is unknown.


Rozano was born to Summitwing parents. A lot of his backstory is unknown.
He is secretive and others only know that he once had a boyfriend and they broke up. No one even knows where his scars came from as he claims it was from a fight but refuses to say that it came from his ex when he tried to kill Rozano.
He has killed a few wolves before. One wolf was a female wolf he was going to be with but after she struck him - he blacked out and woke up to realise that he had killed her. It was after this time that he met Kaiosa and Marcey. He quickly became a close friend to them both and while they both has their suspicions on what he has done, he hasn't told them either.
Rozano later becomes the leader of a small group of wolves. Not necessarily a leader - but just someone who keeps everyone else in line as he knows what his packmates are like.

Parents - Unknown

Mate - Akane
Pups - Boon (adopted son). Ekaitza (adopted daughter). Myrsky (son).

Likes: Flirting. Attention.

Dislikes: Bloodshed. Death

Fears: Being abandoned. Losing control over himself.


  • Theme Song: Dermot Kennedy - Power Over Me
  • Voice Claim: Myself
  • Quote: N/A

  • He believes in soulmates - people you have a connection with
  • After his near death experience he suffers immense nightmares
  • He has killed and eaten many wolves but refuses to say this - he also refuses to tell this to Iniko
  • Many scars of his healed over because of his species ability
  • He has a crush on Akane but is scared to act on it
  • Rozano also tends to overthink his advances a lot - making him doubt whether or not he is reading Akane properly
  • Akane is one of the first spirit wolves that he began to trust - making her the only wolf he trusts to mind control him as he knows she won't make him do something he wouldn't want to

Human facts:
  • Has a lot more visible scars as a human
  • He stands at 5'8" or 172cm