- 🍓🐮 roxel - (EXPANDED PROFILE)



2 years, 2 days ago


🐮  🍓🍓🍓 Roxel 

 Details — 
 Name   Roxel 
 Age   young adult 
 Pronouns   he/him 
 Occupation   ex-mascot of MILX.Co / arsonist
 Sexuality   gay
 Birthday   xx/3/20 
 Theme  💣
 Species  peluchie
 History —  🍓

The strawberry cow mascot of a the milk conglamorate MILX.Co has breached containment. DO NOT ENGAGE. subject has been shown to be hostile, possessing and using multiple firearms and explosives.

Roxel was a Peluchie kept in captivity for years, used as a mascot to advertise MILX strawberry milk. in exchange for his freedom, he was treated as a celebrity and used as a way-too-sensual mascot to sell milk. During his captivity, he was harassed and treated very poorly when offscreen.

After breaking out of the facility, he began bombing multiple properties belonging to MILX. Body count: 3 dead 42 injured. 

 Personality — 🍓

Despite his sweet exterior, he keeps grudges for a long time. He will never forgive MILX for the abuse he endured for years, and is suspicious toward other wealthy entities/ corporate giants as well.

He greatly enjoys pyrotechnics, and whenever he feels like blowing something up or setting stuff on fire will seek out a MILX property to vandalize. If there are none nearby, he'll settle for some rich guy's house or an abandoned building.

His personality has merged with his TV persona, so he is very flirty in nature. he's very unpredictable to be around, even downright hostile, but if you catch his eye he'll treat you like a king.