


2 years, 2 months ago




Name Jojo Bloom
Age 19
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Species Fennec Fox
Height 5'01
Eyes Light Brown/Maroon(?)
Sexuality Pansexual


Meet the one and only Queen, Jojo Bloom, the Sakura Witch! Jojo is an entitled brat that loves to act immaturely and as if the world revolves around her. She constantly brags about her possessions (most of which cost a lot of money) and brag about her magical powers for she's considered one of the more powerful witches in her class. You could consider her as one of the main antagonists in my OC Lore. Jojo dedicates her time to humiliating Yuki and making him look like a complete loser. The reason she does this is due to jealousy against Yuki, and a personal grudge she carries. She always wants to be the absolute best, and her dream is to be a powerful Witch. Yuki however, stands in the way of that dream of hers, so she will do anything to surpass him and be better than him. She dislikes Yuki's caring and calm nature, even if he treats her nicely, Jojo will still hold onto her grudge against him.

Jojo is the leader of her very own group of friends, one of those friends being Teto. She gets along very well with Teto, even if she absolutely hates him and harms him in the process. Teto is an extremely loyal friend to Jojo, he adores getting attention from her, so it feeds Jojo's ego and desire for power. Jojo and Teto are childhood friends that have helped each other out of trouble, and they both carry the same dream, to be the most powerful Witch in the world. Together they perform many magical rituals that work well on the Battle Field, which is how they can easily surpass Yuki and his team when it comes to Power and Experience, and how they are considered the strongest of their class. Jojo's magical powers dedicate to Sakura's, so her magic, weapons, and spells are Sakura-themed. They also revolve around her personal interests, which are ballet, singing, and dance.

Jojo adores being seen as someone superior, and she gives in to that. She will do absolutely anything to get her way and to be the greatest in any scenario, even if it costs the life of another individual. She's a very cheeky and adorable girl nonetheless~


  • Humiliating Those She Deems Below Her
  • Money
  • Ballet and Dance
  • Black + Red Clothing
  • Being Treated as a Queen


  • Feeling Weak
  • People Who Are Better Than Her in Anything
  • Being Dirty
  • Getting Wet 
  • Yuki and His Friends