Arasi Joubuno



2 years, 2 months ago


I will protect my village with all of my might.

Arasi Joubuno

[ About ]


Arasi is a tall, slim built Avariel who usually has black feathers and black, short hair. His wings are large and full, propperly groomed and taken care of He has golden eyes with hard-angled eyebrows and a stern face. He wears a red kimono with a emprodiered white crane. He carries a Katana when going out of his village and collecting certain things.

Arasi also can change his wing and hair color to appear more welcoming. His wings and hair become a pure off white, softening his facical features only a little. This allows him to go about his village a lot easier.

His hobbies and abilities include being able to use cantrips as well as fight quite well. He often grows and harvests crops, catches fish and helps around the village when it is needed. He is fully loyal to his village and although he is belittled while he has black feathers and hair, he cares about the people of the village as if they did not look at him any differently.

[ Personality ]


  • Fish
  • Clothing
  • Water


  • Guns
  • Aggression
  • Rodents


An incredibly friendly man, always willing to help out in any situation as long as he can, although can become easily saddened by small things and gets anxious easily. He is a little stoic at times but enjoys joke as much as any other person. He becomes slightly more bubbly and outgoing with the change of his feathers as he can be more open and less worried about looks towards other village-folk.

[ Basics ]

AGE 22
OCCUPATION Farmer/Helper

[ Story & Trivia ]

Arasi, an Avariel who was born with black feathers. Ever since he was born, he was cast aside by everyone other than his mother, who was very loving and caring of him despite his feather and hair color. In his village, being born with pitch black feathers usually means that the said person was born of ill intent and becomes a bad omen if their feathers do not develp any kind of markings or patterns.

Arasi as a child, studied hard, and harder than any other Acvariel child in his village, magic was interesting to him and so was fighting. He studied defensive fighting alongside certain magic or wizard spells/cantrips. Once he was around 15 years old, he taught himself how to change his black feathers, to pure white. Since many people in his village did not know of him, they welcomed the new stranger with white wings of a god. His name while changing his feathers is a simple "Asi" the end of his name for simplisitc sake. He roamed his village with a new face, a new place, highten in role and rose in class. He became very popular and never blamed his village-mates for disliking his black feathers, so they never showed them to anyone, other than his mother.

  • Works as a sidehand within his village when he has white feathers.
  • Helps his mother farm and upkeep around the house when his cantrip of feathers runs out or if he'd rather not cast the spell for a certain reason.
  • Is incredibly helpful and loved throughout his village, seen as a bringer of prosperty when under the feather cantrip.