


6 years, 9 months ago


Name: Question
Gender: Male
Age: 33 Relationship: Mechanical Error
Sexuality: Asexual/Panromantic
Species: Winged dog monster
Magic: Electrical magic

Personality: Though his first impression leads others to think of him as an idiot, Question is highly intelligent and is one of the smartest monsters in Monsternia. He loves science and finding more connections between the laws of science and the laws of magic, using them to improve the lives of monsters all over the world. Sometimes he will spend weeks just in the 7th section labs and conduct experiments along with his wife, Mechanical Error. He gets too caught up in his work, sometimes, but will take a trip to visit his brother, Answer, at another kingdom.

Story: Question and Answer are twins that grew up in the 2nd section of Monsternia to a wealthy family. His genius recognized by the time he was half way through his 3rd year of school, he was invited by Julia, leader of the 7th section, to join the 7th sections labs. 2 years later, Question was able to skip most grades and graduated, going straight to the 7th section for work. When William arrived to Monsternia, the two were able to create many things that have improved the lives of Monsters everywhere. Once they moved onto developing robots, the prototype, Mechanical Error, left, then returned later to work in the labs along with the other scientists. Years later, Question and ME ended up being married.