


2 years, 2 months ago


scrunkle scrimblo, he/they
birthday: 21 September
age: 14
voice claim: Oliver (vocaloid)

They appear quiet and unsociable (which is incorrect, he just doesn't talk a lot since he doesn't see much of a reason to talk besides with friends or when answering a question. He likes hanging out with new people, just without talking)

Likes: arcades, glowsticks, reading (and writing)
Dislikes: being in the dark


  • He really likes wearing hats; his collection of hats are growing to this day! They tend to buy at least one hat as a souvenir whenever they go on vacation
  • They love frogs with a passion but refuses to touch them so that he doesn't hurt them by accident.
  • Not the biggest fan of wearing new shoes. He has one pair that he wears regularly, and when that one breaks they try to buy the same pair again. He wears socks a lot though
  • He likes collecting things! Their home has a collection room where they put all their stuff
  • They sleep with two blankets, and his bed is basically drowning in plushies
  • Oliver daydreams quite often, especially in the middle of conversations. people usually think that they're not listening (which is correct), making him come off more standoffish/silent because of this
  • They color code their socks to match the first emotion they feel that day. Usually it's yellow (happy) or white (neutral)
  • He sleeps with a hat on :)
  • He has glow in the dark stickers in his room! Their favorite ones are star shaped
  • They really like horror, especially urban legend stories.
  • Their singing is actually really good, but he almost never seriously sings in front of people.
  • He is selectively mute! They have an AAC device that they carry around in case they can't or don't feel like talking. 
  • Likes coding and working with computer stuff. One of his first projects was replacing the voice of their AAC with their own so it still sounds like he is talking (this option can be toggled, sometimes he likes using the default voice)

~ Lives in point 1 of funkytown ~