


6 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


X27/X72 - Ventisette




Ventisette doesn't know who he is and barely knows what he is, which is a large contributor to his aimlessness and general unease. Shy, self-conscious, cautious, and utterly terrified of confrontation, it's a wonder Ven managed to survive this long. He's prone to easily admitting defeat and deferring to others, who he generally sees as more capable than he- And yet there's substance to him that he tries desperately to keep under wraps due to how troublesome it is when it manifests. For one, Ventisette's marshmallow-soft heart ensures that he can never leave well enough alone if there's something he can do to help- And even if there is no obvious way, he'll find one. For all his fickleness and scaredy cat nature, Ven isn't a coward. In fact, fear and dangerous situations actually make him more prone to act and ironically help him to think more clearly. Staring down a gun can be handled but talking to new people? Suddenly Ven forgets how to form actual sentences. He's so selfless that he regularly puts others before himself, leading to recklessness and many cases of accidental vigilanteism. As terrified as he generally is, it's Ven's compassion that can often be seen shining through most. Even while piteously asking criminals to maybe possibly stop doing that? Please? And then there's X72- If Ven regularly displays prey-like behavior with his Please-Don't-Notice-Me aura, the collection of nanites that occupy his body are a collective predator. Their primary objective is to protect Ven. By any means necessary. Cool, confident, and calculating, X72 bring about a marked change in Ventisette by being unfeeling and particularly ruthless in the face of his current objective. While Ven is undoubtedly intelligent, X72 devotes his added intellect to more violent or less morally pure pursuits. More often, it's just violence- Rather surprising for high-tech machines.


Messy Background Info: 

  1. Ventisette is basically an android, with hyper durability, reflexes, senses, and the ability to connect to most forms of technology. 
  2. He doesn't tire and doesn't need any sustenance that isn't in the form of an electrical charge, nor does he feel pain- X72 shut those 'systems' down.
  3.  As he dislikes violence, he prefers to act in the capacity of a gadgeteer and hacker, working on the recon team when in the field due to his natural stealth. When X72 takes control of his body, however, he can be a rather terrifying opponent. 
  4. X72 can perfectly mimic any fighting style available for study, and isn't beholden to physical human limits. 
  5. His weapons are the two large diamonds comprised of lesser nanites that he can use for hacking and other tech-related things, as well as to fire elctromagnetic blasts. 
  6. The nanites that make up his orange scarf result in it being incredibly durable and even sharp. He can use it as a shield or to vibrate through things like a chainsaw. 
  7. He assimilated with nearby experimental nanites in a life threatening incident. They like to be treated as a separate person and use 'he' because they still see themselves as part him. They erased his previous traumatic memories, so he calls himself Ventisette because the number holds significance to him and he's the opposite of the nanites, collectively called X72.