
6 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info




Sugar Cube (abbreviated to Sucu)









Chauncey is one of those kids who buys everything they see. He loves being pampered and dressing up in pretty clothing. He wants everyone to know that he's important at all times. He think's he's so great, he paints the bottom of his hooves with gold paint so that he's "walking on gold" at all times. He refuses to wear makeup because he's worried it'll harm his "perfect" complexion. He tends to enjoy layering his clothing. At first he hated his stockings when they first came in but over time he learned to accept it and now revels in how offensive his stockings are. He loves them so much now to the point where he got a suit jacket to look like them. His cape has speckles of gold leaf floating around in the polar bear fur used to border the two-sided red velvet. Sometimes the gold leaf will fall off and end up on him. He doesn't mind, it makes him feel rich and beautiful. He's EXTREMELY greedy if it wasn't obvious already. Money over anything else. Well, except for his own dignity.


He was born and raised on a planet other than his species's home world. Well, who knows where the home world even is since these dang buggers are so heckin common. Regardless he was born and raised on this planet and was offered up to the monarch ruler of such a planet as a trade from a poor dainty family in exchange for land to live off of. Their wish was granted and the child was traded to the King of such a planet. This king was a loving and strong ruler who seemed to be favored by his subjects. He took in the child and decided to raise them as his own alongside his other children. He was raised under the king and his wife and ended up as a happy addition to the family. He did end up being a bit of a greedy spoiled brat though, since he was the youngest of his siblings in an unimaginably rich family. At one point the King had to go off on a diplomatic journey to another solar system and decided to take his sons with him. Chauncey, being 18 at the time, he decided was old enough to come along. He wanted to teach his children how to act during situations like these, as he was raising them to be rulers of their own. Chauncey honestly wasn't too interested but he was excited to get cool things from this new planet from his dad, whom he just refers to as King rather than his actual name. On their way over their ship was raided by a group of space pirates who left them in shambles. The father and most of his elder children fought off the ransack and escaped in pods into nearby planets. Other sons were killed in battle and Chauncey was kidnapped along with his younger siblings and cargo animals by the pirates and was sold off on a galactic black market. Eventually he was bought by a more planetary local market and that's where things end for now... Don't worry he's safe and being taken care of even if it's not an ideal situation for him since he's so used to being pampered.

Fun facts

- He has a habit of sucking his thumb when going to bed

 >> He's embarrassed about this behavior and doesn't want anyone to find out, on top of that he'd also suck on other things if he got the chance too (no don't take it that way I don't mean it in that way you have a bad mind stop that)

- He also tends to lick people and nuzzle against people he likes similar to a cat or dog even if this is not normal for his species

>> He's not as embarrassed about this and it's sorta a precursor to hugging and kissing for him

- He's very modest

>> He's a very innocent and modest person. He finds nudity and sexual things to be inherently dirty. Even if he knows about sexual things he doesn't like to talk about them or look/listen to anything sexual. If he likes you enough though he might feel more comfortable being in a sexual relationship.

- He's never been involved with someone romantically yet.

>> Or well, he has but it wasn't wanted. It was mostly just hey go marry this young princess girl because diplomacy. Neither of them liked each other more than a friend though.

- He's skinny but he's not overly skinny and if you look at him from the side he will have a tiny little fat bump in his tummy region

>> He would actually be fatter, being raised in a wealthy family and pampered for most of his life and all, but he tended to get a lot of exercise from running around and playing with his siblings at a young age. That and constant training as a sword fighter with his brothers as well when he got older. 

- He can be overly-cautious and has trust issues

>> He doesn't tend to trust people he doesn't know very well... and even if he knows you he can still have moments of doubt so don't expect to persuade him very easily unless it's obvious you're telling the truth

- He's very curious

>> He tends to stop and examine things that he's never seen before. He'll get curious over things that seem different even if he's seen something similar to it before as well.

- He's not afraid to get violent

>> If he needs to he will get violent but he prefers that no one gets hurt

- He bruises easily but heals well

>> Just bumping into something can bruise him but he doesn't seem to retain many scars even from really deep cuts

- He's a skilled sword fighter

>> He was trained from a young age in the art of sword fighting. However, he's not proficient in every type of sword and the size and weight of the sword definitely does matter when it comes to how well he can use it. He's stronger than he looks but not by much. He tends to attack much like a knight would and his favorite type of sword is a broadsword as long as it's on the shorter and lighter side of the broadsword spectrum. He'll also use shortswords. Anything longer than 40 in. is too much for him pretty much and he's not trained to do much with those weird looking swords.