



A prettyyyy boyyyyy oooooo

Here's a boy I just sorta designed at random! I got ideas for him last night so I sketched his cheeb, then today I finished it! I'll draw him normally eventually haha. I'm still pretty obsessed with Digi so I'm wanting to draw her a bunch too, but I'll try to throw drawings of him in there too! He's real pretty, I love him. And uh shoutout to Bo for referring to him as Miss Fortune's edgy son haha, absolutely love that.

I'll get him coded eventually, or I'll try my best to at least haha. For now, here's some little info!

Vanity Luxe (likely a stagename, but he'd never give you his real one) is a celebrity, specifically the lead guitarist and singer in his rock band. He's gotten a huge audience mainly by playing up a very bitchy persona. He's known for his edgy style and even edgier personality. His fans crave for the special sorts of drama that he can bring about. And, when they've helped him essentially turn his music into an empire, he might as well perform in turn. 

When out in public, Vanity typically has to keep up a snarky, rude persona to appease his fans. He comes off as charming and charismatic, yet incredibly arrogant. It's like he's a diamond and you're lower than dirt. He has the sort of energy that makes people often think he would absolutely step on them. He is very dominant and confident, and isn't afraid to show that. He'll take charge in every situation he walks into, and certainly knows how to make himself the center of attention. He's known to pull wild stunts, and is often very entertaining for his fans to watch in public. He has a very high-maintenance personality, and will get very annoyed very fast if he doesn't get his way whenever he wants it. He appears almost spoiled, in a way. He'll chew you up and spit you out if you talk back to him, and he has a very bossy way of speaking. He's brutally honest with his opinions, and won't hesitate to say his thoughts as they are. He doesn't seem to care too much about if he hurts your feelings with his comments, he'd much rather do that than save face and sugarcoat. Should you get on his good side like this, he shows himself to be very casually flirty. He'll flirt you up and down for as long as he's interested, and is rumored to sleep around quite often. He's more likely to call you by a pet name than to ever actually put in the effort to learn your real name. However, his feelings can change on a whim. One night he may be interested in you, the next he won't give you the time of day. He's a controversial and dramatic figure, and his fans absolutely eat it up. He's like their personal supervillain to fawn over.

In his private life however, Vanity is actually way more laid-back, chill, and kind. He still has an edge to him, but he's not quite as aggressive with it. He's moreso humorous with his bitchy nature, and he makes sure those close to him know he's joking. It's rare for him to actively go out of his way to try to hurt others with his comments. He is very creative, and gets inspired to write songs easily. He can often go on flits of fancy and vivid daydreams, and uses these traits to create huge ambitions to live up to in his career. He loves the music he makes, it's very much his pride and joy, and he loves working with it at all times. He likes the finer things in life for sure. He always treats himself, and loves to spoil those close to him however he can. He'll happily get you whatever extravagant luxury you ask him for if he likes you enough. He has a strange dichotomy to him: he's weirdly high-maintenance but incredibly lazy at the same time. He often uses his creativity to find the easiest possibly answers to any situations he comes across. He definitely believes in the philosophy of "work smarter not harder," to say the least. He still carries his confidence, dominance, and flirtatiously playful demeanor as well. He has fun playfully teasing those around him, but his supposed "changing feelings" have a much deeper meaning in actuality. He craves the idea of being in love, and is incredibly touch-starved. He'll melt from even the slightest romantic word or touch. He often hooks up in a way to seek out these feelings, though he wants something more permanent. However, he's also terrified of commitment and the heartbreak that can come from it. He's had a long and complicated history with a toxic ex that has left him quite shaken up and hurt, which lends to these ideas. However, when he does get attached, he then instead gets terrified of being abandoned. He knows that these are flaws, and he's doing his best to work with them. Alongside this, he can get stressed easily and struggles with pretty intense emotions. He doesn't really know how to feel things subtly. For instance, if he's happy then he's completely overjoyed, or if he's annoyed then he's completely furious. These intense emotions cause him to be very outwardly dramatic. He can sometimes blow situations out of proportion, and see everything as intensely as he feels it. His emotions can also change very easily, which just makes them harder to handle. He's also doing his best to rein these in.

As human as he appears, Vanity has pretty weird powers. First and foremost, his hair is sentient. He can control his hair to do various things, mainly making it into tendrils in order to grab things. However, he can also sharpen it into points/blades, make it act almost drill-like, turn it into snapping jaws, and more. Typically, he has full control over its movements and what it does. However, it can also very much have a mind of its own. This is especially the case when he's emotional, burnt out, or just hungry. Alongside this, he a really weird mouth. He has big sharp teeth and a long striped tongue. He also has a digestive system that can handle just about anything, and is able to unhinge his jaw to inhuman levels in order to eat literally anything. He has a monstrous appetite, to say the least.

And some trivia!

  • His theme song is Loose Cannon by Set It Off.
  • He's very tall and slender! He has a surprisingly pear-shaped figure, and definitely has some wide hips.
  • He LOVES blackberries and anything blackberry-flavored. He especially loves white chocolate blackberry mochas.
  • He also really loves dark chocolate and wine!
  • Whether he's in or out of the public eye, he always makes sure he looks his best! He really likes more gothic and edgy fashion, especially with lots of revealing elements, garters, and harnesses!
  • He cares deeply about his hygiene. He makes every bath he takes a huge experience, and he will bathe often.
  • He is very proud of his hair! He loves caring for it and styling it! However, in order to keep his powers at their most effective, he often just wears his hair down long.
  • He loves diamonds! They are definitely his favorite gemstone, and he decks himself out in them constantly!
  • Even when off of the stage, he really loves playing his guitar! He often plays music to unwind.
  • He absolutely LOVES going shopping. Whether it's for fun, or even for something simple like groceries, he just adores the vibe of shops.
  • He is strictly against smoking, and won't allow anyone to smoke around him. He wants to keep his voice in peak condition after all, and he hates the idea of smoking and ruining that.
  • While he really melts from touches anywhere, he is especially fond of attention to his neck, jawline, stomach, and hips. He also loves kisses literally anywhere.
  • He is very affectionate with his friends! So long as they're comfortable with it, he is very open to giving them sweet attention.
  • He doesn't like being seen without at least minimal makeup on. However, he much prefers his full face being done up.
  • He absolutely adores faux fur, and really anything fluffy! 
  • More later! I'm running out of inspiration to write haha.