


2 years, 2 months ago


Since Cotton is literally just me but object (and also without arms) and has canonically lived though my whole life, i'm just gonna start listing fun facts

Cotton can put things in her fluff, but all that she puts in there are hand symbols and a tray, cupholder, phone stand thingy that she can put her phone, a drink, or food on so she can drick and/or eat while she walks or to use her phone while she walks

Cotton has to brush her fluff and take good care of it, (mainly because it gets tangled easily) her opinion on her fluff getting brushed is the same as my opinion on my hair getting brushed

Cotton was originally going to be a different object and i went though many objects before deciding on cotton, the most memorable choices were olive and pop it (by pop it i'm refering to those things that you throw on the ground and they make a popping noise, idk the actual name for them lol)

Since Cotton is basically me except object simular to me she gets scared alot but she still doesn't know exactly what scares her, it just sort of happens and it's annoying because it can cause her to lose the ability to sleep that night

Cotton has the same talking habits as i do irl, meaning that she'll call literally anyone (including herself) an idiot, even if she thinks that their cool.

Cotton commonly sits in positions that seem confusing or unconfortable, but they actually are pretty comfy lol