Medea Reuter / Ravenna Jimson



2 years, 2 months ago


Name: Medea Reuter / Ravenna Jimson

Age: 24

Birthday: April 21st 

Height: 5”10 (177.8 cm)

Zodiac: Taurus 

Pronouns: she/her 

Ravenna Jimson was born in a small town with an average working-class upbringing. She had loving but naive parents. However, Ravenna took advantage of their naivety for the occasional class she flunked; she would usually feed them lies like, “the teacher failed me on purpose.” She had even learned how to hack the gradebook to change her scores to passing ones. As long as Ravenna didn’t have to face any consequences or punishments, she didn’t care how many lies she had to spin. If it helped her get by, it didn’t matter.  


It wasn’t until she got out on her own that things started going downhill for her. It started with her passion for fashion design. Ravenna had dreamed of becoming a fashion designer, the career she wanted for herself since childhood. So, naturally, she applied to a fashion institute in the city. She was in over her head for this one; she flunked multiple classes and sometimes the critiques were more than she could handle. It wasn’t until the college drove her flat broke that she was forced to drop out.  


She feared her ultimate failure and having to go back home as a “joke.” The critiques and all her failures had beaten her confidence and self esteem to the lowest it had been in a while. She had to come up with something and fast she couldn’t be seen at home like this. She was on the verge of being evicted from her apartment when she committed her first crime. For her first crime she targeted the wealthier side of town, and went around pickpocketing jewelry. Once she thought she had collected some major cash she would leave. When she was done, she took the stolen goods to a pawn shop for some quick money. Ravenna felt guilty for her first couple runs, as she wondered what significance the items she stole had to the victims. She quickly had to harden up, it was either their belongings or the roof over her head. Her home was the only thing she had left to lose besides her pride.  


The aftermath of each run ate her up inside. Often she wondered how long she could keep this up. Thoughts like: “How long would it be before she was caught? How much longer would it be when someone came for her? Are they already on their way?” filled her head constantly. Being consumed with stress and anxiety along with another rent payment coming up Ravenna had to get away to clear her head. While she had decided on taking a walk in the park, she ran into a woman slumped over on a park bench. The woman looked strange, even stranger than the weirdos at the fashion institute not too far from the park. 


 The woman had a hat covering her eyes, indicating that she was asleep. Ravenna, shaky, anxious and tired, took a seat at the opposite side of the bench from the sleeping woman. She just wanted to be near someone, to feel comforted by their presence even if she was asleep. Even being about 4 feet away from another person eased her nerves a bit. Ever since she moved to the city she hasn’t had any friends or even acquaintances to occasionally talk to. Ravenna had been lonely ever since she left home.  


The woman stirred for a second, which made Ravenna jolt in surprise. This in turn must’ve alerted the woman to her presence because the stranger jolted up and pulled her hat back revealing her face. Ravenna’s heart jumped into her throat as her body pulled back into the bench. She started to break into a cold sweat. This prolonged eye contact was starting to get awkward. Eventually, Ravenna managed to squeak out a greeting. Then the woman's eye contact broke and she muttered what Ravenna assumed was a greeting.  


Ravenna gestured to the bench “you were here first go ahead.” As she stood and began to walk away, the woman put her hands up in a “don’t worry about it” way. Ravenna, a bit apprehensive, retook a seat, the woman following in suit this time. The stranger sat a tad bit closer to her. Ravenna was the first to break the ice introducing herself and asking the mystery lady about herself. While apprehensive and anxious the lady revealed her name to be Loretta Mccoy; she was from the rural side of the state. She had come to the city in search of a job, but she hadn't had any luck and she was running out of money for her hotel room. She lamented about how she came out here to clear her head. Ravenna, sympathizing with her struggle, offered her a place to stay. Loretta initially declined but was grateful for the offer, but Ravenna insisted on giving Loretta her number and to call her if she needed a place to crash. About two days later Ravenna got a phone call from Loretta about the offer. Ravenna obliged and went to meet her at the park to show her the way to the apartment. The two had really hit it off after this. Then the rent issue came up again.  


Ravenna caught between getting her rent money and her friend finding out about her shady job. Ravenna turned to a more discreet way of obtaining the money. She turned back to her old habit of hacking only this time it was to obtain credit card numbers. No one knew how Ravenna made money, not even Loretta until Ravenna and her went out for drinks one night. She got so drunk she spilled her whole scheme. This led to a huge fight once she sobered up. Loretta agreed to keep her secret. 


That was until Ravennas luck finally ran out. She got too arrogant and sloppy with her newest hack. This led a trail right back to Ravenna’s computer. She was offered a plea deal if she revealed her friends involvement( basically they were going to charge Loretta with the same crime, but Ravenna could shorten her sentence by putting the blame on Loretta, but she refused to throw her under the bus) as victims and others were brought to stand against her in court, the one person she thought she could trust the most was called up to the stand to testify against her. Loretta had taken the plea deal essentially leaving Ravenna to her sentence, in a kinda funny way Loretta had made her face something she never thought  she would have to face. The consequences of her own actions. With that the two were done and Loretta thought she would never have to see her again, but Ravenna is a petty woman and truly never lets things especially like this go.  


While in jail she met an eccentric young lady named Robin Banks but most of the inmates called her shifty because her eyes shifted when she lied which was often. They weren’t particularly close ,but She was cordial with her afterall Robin was all she had to talk to while there . Ravenna was often picked on for her scrawny and meek stature in prison; she often had food stolen from her and frequently got stuck with doing other people's jobs for them. She eventually  developed quite the mouth while there and often used to manipulate someone to do her bidding for a change or to tell someone off.  


She met the wrong person one day. She caught her in a particularly bad mood that day and she said something really nasty to them, which prompted a retaliation in the form of a metal pole to the head. The lady nearly killed Ravenna that day if it weren’t for shifty pulling her away from the lady as well as the guards tackling her before she could get a couple more swings in , she would’ve been dead. She still has a small dent in her head from the attack. This dialed her snide and sarcastic behavior a lot, but It made her only more paranoid and less confrontational than before. 


Ravenna was released early on good behavior. When Ravenna got out everything she worked so hard for went away: Her apartment, personal belongings, her relationship with her family and her pride. The thing she wanted to avoid the most ended up being a reality. She was out living on the streets for about a month. When a stroke of luck hit her. 


It was gonna be an unusually cold winter that year, that was just the candle on top of the shit cake for her, finding work was becoming  increasingly harder than before due to her past of thievery and her being homeless. She thought she would never make it out of the cycle of failure she was in, that was until a particularly cold night led her to cross paths with an overly friendly woman. 


She was approached by the stranger while sleeping on a bench near a bus stop. The stranger approached her before getting on the bus. Asking her if she needed a place to stay. She obliged what other options did she have, it was either go with her or possibly freeze to death outside.  The lady was quite chatty on the bus ride to her home. Her name was Poppy. She was an aspiring  journalist that moved to the city a little over a year ago. Then the topic shifted to Ravenna.  She couldn’t let this stanger know about her criminal past so she did the one thing she’s always been good at lying and this would be her boldest one yet. 


She told Poppy her name was “Medea Reuter” and that she was a fashion designer down on her luck. The studio she worked for shut down and left her without enough money to pay rent leaving her in the desparte state that she was in now. This seemed to garner sympathy from the journalist. enough for her to stay as long as she needed to, to get back on her feet. 


While feeling guilty for lying to this friendly stranger she couldn’t afford to be back out on the streets again. While living with Poppy she got acquainted with her roommate Nessia, who she has a rocky relationship with. Poppy is the only one keeping her around; if it were Nessia’s decision she would’ve been out in the first week. 


While living with Poppy she began to develop an eccentric facade to mask the meek old her, she wanted so desperately to escape the failure she once was. 


 She also started working at a cafe to repay Poppy for her kindness and earn herself some cash. She works with a somewhat interesting coworker who wears an eyepatch. The two of them tolerate each other. Eye Patch later revealed her name to be  Rosemary; she handles the baking while Ravenna handles the orders. It turns out Rosemary and Loretta have quite the past together as she came to find out in her pursuit for knowledge to take Loretta down. Rosemary was eager to see Loretta go down; she offered Ravenna perhaps too much information, information that could bring down her as well as her friend moxie. It turns out the three of them were involved in a mugging gone wrong which ended up in the death of some woman. 


Ravenna being Ravenna, she jumped at the opportunity to hold this over all three of them. Especially moxie and rosemary. In exchange for keeping their secret she wanted as much information as they could provide her on Loretta , as much as she wanted when she wanted. This didn’t go the way she planned, because Moxie wasn’t cooperating which ended up with Ravenna getting beaten by her to keep her mouth shut, to which she obliged, fearing a harsher one . While her and Rosemary are on decent terms, Moxie and Ravenna aren’t. 


Once settling in and making a bit of money for herself, she purchased a pretty convincing fake id with the name Medea  Reuter. She even went as far as disfiguring her finger tips with the chemicals in hair dye to get rid of the link to the old her. After tampering and falsifying some documents she was able to give herself a new start in life. She went back to college this time for Criminal justice after obtaining her bachelor's degree she became a private eye. She also may have been the one to leak a certain Rodeo star's shady past.