Moxie Monroe



2 years, 2 months ago


Name: Moxie Monroe

Age: 25

Birthday: August 3rd

Height: 6”0 (182.88 cm)

Zodiac: Leo

Pronouns: she/her 

Moxie Monroe (Backstory summarized because the 7 page one i wrote is outdated and i don't feel like rewriting it)

  • Lives with immense guilt over two major instances in her life. 1 being the murder of some innocent woman she was attempting to rob to pay for her dad's cancer treatment, but it ended horribly wrong. The second being the brain damage her friend sustained trying to help pay for an addiction center to treat her addiction.
  • Threw the woman’s body in the dumpster 
  • Has a scar above her eye that she keeps covered up with her hair.
  • The scar was from the bottle the woman broke over her head during the incident 
  • Is addicted to cigarettes; the addiction formed after her dad died from lung cancer. It the only way she could cope with her abusive mother, she felt like smoking was the only way to feel the comfort he brought her during those tough times.
  • Worked at a bar before her music career took off. Almost resorted to prostitution to help pay for her friend’s treatments for her head injuries.
  • Her ex-valentine launched her music career due to her having previous connections in the industry. Broke up with her because she felt it unfair that she didn’t get to spend time with her often, as well as thinking valentine deserved more than her 
  • Her first girlfriend was Loretta the relationship was extremely toxic due to both of the toxic environments they were being raised in and had no escape from at the time 
  • She’s aware of Rosemary's crush but is afraid of crushing her because she doesn’t feel the same, she sees her more as a sister than a partner.
  • Is currently in a relationship with Diana. She met her while being arrested by her. She kinda got with her out of desperation and she reminded her of the better side of Loretta. She kinda sees Diana as the Loretta she can save from her alcohol addiction.
  • Has violent tendencies that she picked up from her mom. When she's angry she’ll lash out with her fists 
  • Is 100% serious with threats and will not hesitate to whoop someone’s ass
  • Is definitely a touch arrogant about her skills and abilities 
  • Though rough, tough and ready to fight at the drop of a hat she has a sweet spot for people who appear weak and defenseless
  • Is trying to be blackmailed by Medea but has whooped her ass so hard that she has backed off for now. Mainly because she threatened her with a worse one if she pulls that shit again 
  • is upset with Rosemary, because she was so reckless with keeping all of the stuff that happened in the past in the past.
  • She is sympathetic to Rosemary although she spilled such a detrimental secret, and is willing to look past it in order to preserve their sisterhood