Rosemary Fiscella



2 years, 2 months ago


Name: Rosemary Fiscella

Age: 24

Birthday: April 25th

Height: 5"4 (162.56 cm)

Zodiac: Taurus 

Pronouns: she/her 

(Lore points because i have no energy to write a whole backstory right now)

  • Grew up with distant parents which cause her to seek constant validation from peers as well as connections from said peers 
  • Was longtime friends with Shelly until she was trying to sabotage her relationship with moxie, so she cut her off
  • Deeply in love with moxie and idolizes her to an extent because she is the only one, she felt like really safe and 100% genuine with
  • Her crush on her sort of blinds her to her faults 
  • Hates Loretta for leaving her while she was at the lowest point in her life, but has always held resentment towards her ever since she stole moxie away from her 
  • Was always there to comfort moxie whenever she needed her 
  • Hated her smoking addiction and feared it would kill her one day. She wanted to help her break out of it, so she decided to sign up for a cooking competition that offered enough money to cover the addiction center cost in full. The competition soon ended in tragedy with an argument so heated it turned into a psychical confrontation into an attempted murder. She was struck with a meat cleaver in the forehead.
  • It seemed the roles were now reversed instead of her caring for Moxie now Moxie was caring for her. Moxie watched over her, her whole stay in the hospital and is even still with her as a roommate 
  • Refused to go to her cognitive therapies until moxie got help for her addiction 
  • Can still cook but tends to over spice things with her sense of taste and smell being dulled as a result from her injury
  • Has trouble keeping her emotions and impulses under control
  • Exhibits extreme jealousy when it comes to seeing people flirt with someone she wants as a partner 
  • Does not tolerate anyone in the kitchen with her at all. If you are to stay depending on her mood, she’ll let you off with a warning or she’ll outright throw a kitchen utensil at someone
  • Is very wary of her blind side and wants to keep everyone in her view 
  • Is a flirter and a charmer or at least tries to be 
  • Obnoxiously clingy 
  • Spilled the secret of the murder that she moxie and Loretta were involved in, to Medea in order to also get back at Loretta 
  • They dumped the victim's body in the dumpster 
  • Rosemary’s motive for being involved with the murder was to ensure moxie was safety 
  • Her passion for cooking all started when she was praised by her peers for her cookies she made for a bake sale, since she loved all the validation and attention it got her it only fueled her to pursue it as a serious career.
  • Fiercely loyal to those she gets attached to and will often excuse and justify their actions to herself and other people