Nessia Cathartes



2 years, 2 months ago


Lore points

  • Has a very cold and hard to get along with personality on the outside, when really, she is desperately searching for someone to connect to 
  • She is afraid of getting hurt by others leaving just like her mother did to her all those years ago, so she purposefully keeps her distance from others despite feeling terrified of loneliness 
  • Her only friend is poppy. She finds her optimism stupid and unreasonable but is charmed by her childish demeanor and positive outlook on life.
  • She feels the need to protect Poppy from the real world's harshness so as to not make her as cold as she is.
  • Uses the baby blanket her mother gave her as a comfort item that she turns to when stressed. She will cuddle it only when she's sure she's alone, and thinks she’ll look pathetic if caught with it. 
  • She keeps the blanket on her at all times to feel like her mom is still there with her. It is hidden in her inside coat pocket.
  • Gives people she likes items she finds valuable (feathers, shiny rocks, and animal bones) to show her appreciation and respect for them. This is to make up for her lack of readability through her tone of voice and stone face
  • Is socially inept and will take things literally sometimes when sarcasm is used on her.
  • Hates being hugged by strangers and has violent tendencies when angry due to the system and people involved with it picking on or messing with her
  • Purposely dresses scary to look intimidating so others will leave her alone and not mess with her 
  • Thinks showing emotions like fear and sadness make her look weak 
  • Mortified of death because of its permanence and certainty that you will never come back from it. Despite working in the death field, she does it more to cope by surrounding herself in death in hopes to ease her anxieties around it 
  • Used to be a death doula but mentally couldn’t handle the deaths she saw and her accepting her own mortality 
  • Believes her mom is still alive because she can’t accept the possibility of never seeing her again  
  • Hates Medea with all her being, only tolerating her for Poppy's sake.