Abyth - God of Oceans



2 years, 1 month ago


Apart of the current 6 Gods of the Fabled server. 

Abyth, God of Oceans, is a twin partner god with Zephyr, God of Trade. They are both lesser gods and can not exist without each other, as in if one dies.. they both die.
He controls the ocean, weather and ocean life. He really likes making natural disasters. 

Normally Abyth is very cocky and full of himself, often seen trying to push himself to do bigger and stronger things. He is very destructive and likes to blow things up, within reason of course...
As of right now he has lost more or less all of this god powers and is stuck in the overworld because of the servers current events. (It's a lot and I don't really want to explain it here..) He only really hangs out with Abaddon, another character in the server, and doesn't really talk to anyone else but he considers Abaddon his best friend and loves spending time with him. Because he has lost all of his powers he now is very self-conscious but he tries his best not to show it... He also does his best to try and help fix the current server issues but can't really do much due to him being so weak.

06/19/22 - He is currently in a coma in a water ravine due to pushing himself too, too far. 

06/27/22 - He is awake :D


With God Powers: Taller than who ever he is talking to (if they are mortals)

Without God Powers: 5'2" 

Reference order: Original Design - Things getting bad - Current references isn't finished yet but just take the design from the most recent image (It is a bit spooky though, just a warning)
(Also ignore the overlay problems with the hooded version... I'll fix it later ... .-.)

He also has a light blue scaled mermaid tail in the water with his original design that gradually goes to white as things get bad.