Kim Sunwoo



2 years, 5 months ago



Kim Sunwoo

Gender Non-Binary
Pronouns they/them
Age 30s
Sexuality Asexual
Zodiac Capricorn


Strong Quiet Hard Working Smart Superficial


Kim is a kind and an understanding monster, very much a gentle giant as they are around Sully’s height. Kim tries their best to be understanding of everyone and enjoys cheering people on. However, in their past they used to tease and play pranks fairly often, choosing to be a bit of an annoyance to people. As the years passed, they developed to be more somber and mellow. They hardly start fights and find it very hard to be rude to others. Kim has a habit of bottling up emotions and staying quiet about things that bother them. They are currently working on it though. Kim is overall a very agreeable monster and tries to be as friendly as possible.


Kim is a quiet monster and hardly ever sociable. However, this had boosted their ability to pull pranks and practice their scaring. The way they were able to listen in and use people’s fears against them was incredible. Despite their gentle nature, they were generally unliked during their childhood. Being seen as “weird” bothered many. Later on after graduating high school, they attended Monsters University after getting a recommendation from their school and a scholarship. Kim was enrolled in the Scare Program and was in the same class as Sully and Mike. They never had interactions with them until they began work at Monsters, Inc. Sully and Kim became fast friends, both outgrowing their childish personalities. Kim always despised Randall and especially disliked the way he treated his assistant Fungus. They would frequently stand up to Randall and help Fungus out as much as they could. The two eventually began to have feelings for each other and began dating after the Waternoose Conspiracy events. As the company switched to Laugh Power, Kim made great strides in understanding comedy and eventually was able to transition to Jokester. Kim has since been very successful and even helps out any other monster who is interested in becoming a Jokester. They have attempted to help Tylor with his aspirations but have decided to ust cheer him on from the sidelines.




  • Kim loves knitting and often makes clothes for other monsters.
  • Best freinds with Celia, the two have lunch together often.
  • Kim enjoys the company of the MIFTers and takes trips down to their station.
  • Kim hates Randall, but believed he could've been redeemed.