


2 years, 2 months ago




Curse of Divinity's Truth
20?cb=20201116063017 Anemo
Full NameXun Qiaoyan
GenderTransfem Nonbinary
BirthdayAugust 16
ConstellationCatenatus Draco
AffiliationWangsheng Funeral Parlor
Additional Titles
  • Adepti's Chosen

Qiaoyan (Chinese: 纁 巧言 Xūn Qiǎoyán) is an original Anemo character in Genshin Impact.

NOTE: This profile contains SPOILERS for the main story. Read the STORY segment at your own discretion if you haven't caught up with the Archon Quests yet.

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The third born of the current generation of Xunhua Mages. Qiaoyan works with the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor as a religious and ritual consultant, and deals with nonhuman spirits and Adepti. Through their work, they have come to discover their family's Yaksha bloodline and the origin of the curse and corruption that have been plaguing the Xunhua for generations.


Qiaoyan is a mellowed and polite, if not slightly eccentric individual who likes to meet people and give unnecessarily verbose and poetic greetings just to throw them off for their own amusement. They are very mild and able to deal with many sorts of people without much trouble. With their demeanor, they are able to diffuse a situation or rile up a party to the point of storming off. It depends on their mood and how much they are willing to deal, really.

Qiaoyan is rather dispassionate. Even expressions of disdain or irritation never come to the point of raising their voice. This being said, Qiaoyan is easily mistaken to be indifferent and without any strong convictions. These mistakes often lead people to be surprised on how they actually do have passions and opinions on things. They often express that sometimes loudly proclaiming themselves can be tiresome. They are already busy, and they don't have to make things harder for themselves or others.

Working at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor has helped them become considerate and helpful to others, regardless of the weight of the situation. Qiaoyan values empathy and kindness in others when it matters, especially to those who are trying to help loved ones through personal struggles.

They also are rather reticent, refusing to allow most others to understand their true feelings. Even to their own family they omit their feelings because of their nosy natures and their habit to "getting to the bottom of things." Which they sometimes find more detrimental to their relationships with each other. Even to Hu Tao, whom they helped raise, they keep certain things from her despite her prodding. Qiaoyan believes that there are sometimes burdens one should bear on their own. However; for work as a consultant, they value transparency above all else. It is only professionally that they need to know everything, really.

Qiaoyan also seems to be tenacious in their own right, especially when it comes to bearing burdens and wanting to help carry others' burdens with them. As mild as they are, they do not want to seem too detached from others when it matters, and sometimes this is to their detriment.


Qiaoyan is a very short individual standing at 4'11. They have tanned skin and short black hair in a messy bob cut with teal ends. Their yellow eyes are upturned in shape and have slit pupils. They wear a hair ornament of pink flowers adorned with jade and red tassels.

They wear a very decorated outfit consisting of a long dress coat adorned with maroon and dark teal accents and gold scale patterns. The sleeves are cape-like, with the edges decorated with maroon and the same gold scale patterns alongside a fur trim. The collar of the dress coat is lines with a large fur trim with dark teal, light pink and pale yellow. They wear long gloves fastened with gold, as well as long, black thigh high boots.

Base by Erandia
Edits by Rengalia