Goodra 1's Comments

Oh dear, I realized you hadn't seen the comment on this one. Mind sending another invoice for this one and the Hoopa girl?

The hoopa? I don't believe I've done Hoopa yet but I did include this one into the invoice that I sent :3

Oh, okay. I just didn't want it to be just this one, so I chose another cute one in the same folder. Anyway, are you planning on doing Kartana at some point? Notice you've done a bunch of steel-types but I haven't seen that one yet.

No worries and I will try to, I can't make no promises but Kartana is a primary grass type. How I've been working is that I pick a type and only work on the pokemon if they are mono or if that type is the primary if the pokemon is duel type if that makes sense?
 Kartana is Grass/Steel it will only be done once I hit the Grass types :3
but I don't make any promises because I could suffer burn out and stop making these types of adopts and I don't accept customs as of now because they stress me out to do D8

Oh, no no no, that's totally cool. I think what you're doing is cool and some of the designs are really neat. I'm probably going to cry if you end up getting to ghost type because those are my faves. Please take care of yourself though, okay?

I'd like to snag this girl