


2 years, 2 months ago






April 8th




Crew of the Revenge



  • Samuel
  • Lockpicking
  • Frills
  • Urban Legends

  • Scrubbing The Ship
  • Cats
  • Hand-Hand Combat
  • Fire

  • Incredibly good at picking locks.
  • Very naturally skilled liar.
  • Strongly believes in superstitions.
  • Very infatuated with bugs.










  • Endearing and charasmatic.
  • Tries to help others when he can.
  • Very talkative (although sometimes this is a negative).
  • Great conversation starter.

  • Lies about unnecessary things.
  • Will tell your secrets to anybody and everybody.
  • Sucks at empathizing with others.
  • Has trouble being genuine.

Naveli fronts as a passive, non-confrontational, and respectful person but in reality he's just waiting to pick a fight; non physical of course. His strong suit: talking shit. He is an expert at gathering information and spreading rumors. Although he conceals information about himself he takes pleasure in spreading the most ridiculous rumors you’ve ever heard about a person and making you believe it. If you are trying to have a private convo on the ship, he will always be a part of it, whether you know it or not. Everybody's business is HIS business. He thrives at conversation especially when it's talking behind somebody's back. Confrontational, argumentative, and demeaning conversation is his expertise.

As well as being good at arguments, spreading rumors, and talking shit, he is also a pretty well trained liar. Lying is something he does on the fly and once he starts he rarely admits to it or steps out of it. He knows his boundaries of bending the truth and bends it as much as possible. Whether to get himself out of a situation, impress somebody, or just fuck with somebody who's pissed him off.

As for relationships... he sucks at them. Making genuine friends for him is hard because most of them are formed on the basis of a lie or of a mutual hatred of somebody they know. Yes, he's good at conversation, but for romantic or genuine talk he doesn't know any better. It's not that he doesn't want to make genuine relationships and friendships (that aren't just 'This person sucks!' 'Yeah!')- it's that he can't. The worst he's at is opening up to others, which is part of the reason he doesn't open up about lies.



His childhood was mostly filled with working his ass off for scraps of any money he could gather. He'd sew, do medicine work, gather things, run easy errands, even steal at the request of others, but none of it was enough. All the money he made didn't go to anybody but himself.

He had no clue where or who his parents were and the only flimsy memory he could remember of them was the last of them. The simple description of a man, plain appearance of a woman, waving him goodbye. Short and plain, mysterious indeed.


After working his ass off for seven years straight he discovered something. At the age of thirteen he discovered the most valuable skill imaginable, something money nor begging could buy, lying. The world was his canvas and he was the painter, painting his story and perception of himself and others with lies upon lies he had created.

To put it short: He was a phenomenal liar. Not only was he especially skilled at it, the British folk of his hometown, especially the richer, were far more deceived and manipulated than your average townsfolk. Whereas before he was barely scraping by, he was still barely scraping by, but with skill!


His teenage and adult years were spent masterfully crafting any and every lie he could come up with to help him live just a year longer. Over time he became an expert at thievery and even picked up a skill in lockpicking. Eventually he discovered the greatest thieves of them all: Pirates.

Very quickly he had hopped aboard a ship and began pirating. Then another ship, then another, then another. Once he got bored of one or found the captain quick boring he would go to the next. This continued until he found himself on the Revenge, which despite his pattern of crew hopping, might end up his new permanent home.


Samuel Boyfriend

To put it very short: Very, very, and obviously, gay. Samuel is one of the few people that Naveli has truly opened up to, and considers him to be one of his true actual friends in life. Naveli tells himself that he stays on the Revenge because Blackbeard is there, and while partly true, it's mostly because he doesn't want to leave Samuel.


  • Cowboy hat is optional.
  • Steals rich people's clothing so outfits are inconsistent.
  • Loves overly extravagant frills.
  • Has a scar on the left of his face.

Skin Dark

Hair Color Blonde to Brown

Eyes Dark Green

Hair Style Wavy