YCH - RPG Maker



2 years, 5 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
$40 - $72


Since I've been playing with RPG Maker, I thought It'd be fun to offer one of these. I'm honestly not sure if anyone would be interested, but hey! It could be fun!

What do you get?

- Your character with whatever dialogue you'd like for them in the text box below
- Full color, including shading
- Your choice of background (within some limits)
- Two versions of your character. One with your character by themselves, then another version with text.


- One character will be $40 USD. Two characters (With one on either side) will be $50.
- If you want to add in sprites that will look like your character as well, that will be an additional price of $10 USD. If you have two characters, this will be an additional $2 for the second sprite.
- While I am using RPG Maker as the basic layout for this example, you can choose if you'd like a drawn background instead. This will be an additional $10 USD.

Please give me a at least two weeks to draw your characters. I will be more than happy to discuss how long it takes and make adjustments as needed!

Comment below with a reference to your character - or please send me a DM if interested!