Allen Decker



2 years, 2 months ago


Allen Edmund Decker
Dec 25, 1835
6'9 (205 cm)
Voice Claim


Angry • Sarcastic • Negative • Childish

The main character of my current Work in Progress, Bradsworth!

Allen unwillingly works for his great-uncle's crime ring as a graverobber and muscle after seeing something he shouldn't have. Allen has gained the reputation of the local town freak and gets stares every time he goes into town. He currently lives with Garfield in the church's rectory, and the two are in a relationship. He desperately wants to leave town but can't because of his poor finances and his uncle is keeping him there.

When he offers to help Garfield reorganize the church's underground wine cellar he accidentally stumbled upon two skeletons underneath the floor. This results in Amber & Annalise, two ghosts who died from the Black Plague haunting him. They encourage Allen to fight back against his great-uncle by killing him, and shenanigans ensue.


  • Being Alone
  • Elephants
  • Steak
  • Blackberries
  • .


  • Police
  • Cold Weather
  • Potatoes
  • Being stared at
  • Haircuts
"Oh piss off why don't you"


(INFJ) Big ol' angry bastard. Very hot-headed and rushes into acting instead of thinking things through which usually ends badly for him. Growing up in a rich family he was spoiled and never fully lost his childish attitude, very much a man-child. He can be extremely petty and will go to great lengths to get back at people he feels wronged him. Very much a private and introverted person, he prefers to spend time by himself or with those he is close to. Despite his rough exterior, he can be nice when he chooses to but will get very defensive and embarrassed when this is pointed out. Cynical and jaded from years of being in Bradsworth he has grown to be untrusting of others, which is not helped by his overly pessimistic attitude.


Born in Carlisle, England to a wealthy family, the second oldest of four children. He and his siblings were homeschooled and sheltered and did not have a lot of friends outside of each other. Growing up Allen and his father butted heads a lot since two extremely stubborn people do not get along that well. He and his mother had an opposite relationship, as Allen was a total mama's boy.

Allen moved out at 19 because he was tired of hearing his father bitch about Allen being unproductive. He had high goals of getting rich and living a life on his own but this dream came crashing down when he found out he was underqualified for the jobs he wanted. He worked a blue-collar job to keep himself afloat for a bit. Later an incident leads to Allen trying to kill his father, which landed him in jail for attempted murder and assault. (won't go into all the details because I do not want to spoil everything.)

Design Notes

• 6'9 (205cm)

• Very stocky, muscular, superman like build.

• Square jaw and a big roman nose.

• Has heavy scaring on his face, chest, and palms.

• Heterochromia, his right eye is blue and left eye dark brown.

• Straight, dark brown, mid-back length hair and bigass eyebrows


• Messy eater.

• Has a partial loss of smell (Hyposmia)

• Has sleep apnea and is the worlds loudest snorer.

• Is permanetley banned from 9 pubs (and counting).

• Lactose intolerant.

• He has been arrested 58 seperate times in the span of 5 years.



Garfield O'Dwyer

One of the few people in Bradsworth he genuinely likes. Calls him Gar as a pet name/nickname. The two wear matching rings as an inside joke, when one night they are both very drunk, and Garfield drunkenly initiates a wedding between the two.


Amber & Annalise

He finds Annalise less annoying than Amber, but is not the biggest fan of her positivity.He does not like Amber’s unfiltered comments.


Lawrence Criden

Hates his guts and wants him dead. Very afraid of him but tries not to show it. Unaffectionally dubs him "twat in the hat" as well as many other colorful explicatives. They are both like beta fish in the sense of if they were left alone in a room together they would just start beating the shit out of eachother.


Dr. Yates

Absolutley hates him. Calls him geezer much to Yates' annoyance

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