Rage (Lucifer) Solaria (Runt)



2 years, 4 months ago


Home Island





Torophets were often seen as bad omens in Sekevil culture, like their version of a black cat. They are a special type of creature of Personalia of the spritivora order, an order of animals on Personalia capable of small amounts of magic. Torophets go further down the classifcation line to the family of toteminae, and are known for being made of hard rock-like material able to withstand even lava. They can also spit small bursts of fire, no more than a firecracker. 

Upon his return to Magmakor to fight one of Rasha's creations, Rage encountered a tiny torophet with a fiery personality. This torophet seemed to stealthily follow Rage around the alleys of Magmakor. Eventually Rage came face to face with Rasha's monster, Sath, an artificial sekevil with the power to harness hellfire straight from the Noull. Sath easily overpowered Rage in both strength and magic. While Sath was an enhanced sekevil, Rage was more puriton than he was sekevil truthfully. The torophet felt a connection because of this and chose to assist Rage the best he could by tackling Sath with a series of headbutts, but it was useless against the monster. The torophet was easily tossed aside by Sath and heavily wounded by one of his strikes which in turn reinvigorated Rage into fighting Sath with the last of his strength. With the aid of Fionn, Rage was finally able to defeat Sath and proceeded to try to heal his new torophet friend. It was Fionn who decided to name him Runt due to his tiny size and since then it just stuck. Runt has come along on nearly all of Rage's adventures since torophets can live little over a century. Thanks to this fact Runt has got to come along on the adventures of the other members of the Solaria family including Styx, and even Eon. Runt has strived to be the best family protector he can be and guard his new home to the full extent of his power.


● As his name implies, Runt is smaller than most torophets.

● Rage gifted Runt two talismans that represent "Fiery Force".

● Most torophets including Runt don't change appearance as they age.

● Runt is strong enough to lift Eon into the air, it comes in handy when he joins Eon on his adventures.

● Runt usually cleans himself by submerging into lava.

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