
2 years, 2 months ago


Currently worth : 260$ 

Eirwen (meaning)-blessed snow

Eirwen is an ancient ice demon that feeds off of ponies souls for power. He isn't necessarily a god, but he is extremely powerful being besides the warm/hot weather. He can be arrogant though he isn't being an ass on purpose (he is an old, powerful being; his sense of normality is different to mortals because he is chaos after all). He prefers to stay in Icy/ snowy biomes where it’s ALWAYS cold 🥶 otherwise he gets painful migraines and body aches and if he doesn’t go back into a biome that’s atleast 20 degrees will make him into a coma like state. Altho he doesn’t like to brag about what he does or can do he  uses ice magic and can breathe an icy mist that can turn anything that it hits into an ice statue or wave of ice spikes when he is in the middle of his magic his blue markings and eyes will glow

He is a distant relative to discord and used to work with him before he turn into stone. He also wasn’t always a demon.(coming up with more ideas on that part)

He may eat you if you annoy him, or if he’s just hungry and not in the mood to deal with your mouth.