


6 years, 6 months ago


B A S I C S 
  Name¦ Trinity
  Nickname¦ N/A
 ◊ Sexuality¦ Heterosexual
  Gender¦ Female
  Age¦ 18
 ◊ Birthday¦ July 17th
 ◊ Occupation¦ Hacker 
♢ B I O ♢
☑ Video Games       ⌦ "Bronze Players"
☑ Hacking                 ⌦ Sunlight
☑ Junk Food             ⌦ Heavy Rain    
☑ Tentacles              ⌦ Insect Swarms

Trinity is a Lockette who's soul purpose is to make other people miserable. However, that is only the case behind a computer screen. She is a relatively infamous hacker that manages to destroy anyone's desktop if they manage to upset her in a video game. Trinity is deadset on becoming a professional gamer, and spends her days locked inside her room, with only the screen providing a source of light. She is disgustingly toxic and lashes out at anyone who is seemingly bringing her down in a team game, or killing her in a solo game. If worse comes to worse, she is capable of discovering a person's address and breaking into their home to smash their electronics with her hammer. It is only considered unfortunate to be in the way during such an event. Trinity is violent and perverse, taking a major interest into hentai. Her favorite obsession is with tentacles for no other reason than the suction cups. She is very open about this, especially to Lyra, her best friend. They met through an online game and have become a terrifying duo of tank and dps. Through their friendship came trust, and Lyra was able to offer Trinity a position as official hacker for her gang. Trinity gladly accepted, of course, to make money within the confines of her room. With said money, she was able to create her dream outfit of harajuku fashion. Trinity has yet to let her newfound friends down, and plans to bring justice to those who wrong them.
♢ P E R S O N A L I T Y ♢
- Perverse - Toxic - Loud