


2 years, 1 month ago


Gonna have to rewrite this and add a code,,

Collects about a million plushies (especially any shiny/sparkly ones!), and has a bunch of hoodies bc they hate cold weather. They have souvenirs from about everywhere, leaving their room a mess. They never commit to putting stickers on anything and now have sheets of unused stickers. Loves sparkly gel pens and organizes them in rainbow order. Has a bunch of jewelry that has never been worn, thankfully not expensive though !! They also don’t have any matching socks, declaring indignantly it was a “fashion choice“.

Probably is uncontrollably scared of bugs, to the point it’s very amusing to friends when they realize it’s just a ladybug that landed on Noah’s head. As mentioned above, dislikes bad weather because everything seems so sad and tired when that happens.

Noah has very sharp teeth, but his horns are quite dull. They always try to sneak up of people to scare them, but end up failing because of their bell. People think that the horns are fake and just apart of their whole fashion scheme, but Noah actually has real horns, and adores them very much !!

I imagine them as a slightly misbehaving doggo that loves anything shiny, and has a very short attention span, instead getting distracted by literally everything, big prankster too (but in a sweet way, surprising friends with cute toys or charm bracelets). Noah gets along well with anyone who would spend enough time putting up with his constant pranks, and is actually quite loyal. Noah is also very bad at taking care of plants, exclaiming “nothing’s happening !!” After about two minutes, instead enjoying more ”exciting“ activities like spending five hours at the arcade then getting mad when they cant get a thing from the crane machine >:’3. Noah also loves fashion, and will critique everyones fashion sense mercilessly (when trying to be helpful, not rude.) Has an obsession with collecting bunny plushies, proudly showing them off to friends. This surprises some people, but Noah prefers tea more that any soda/very sugary drink. They also hate cold weather/whenever it rains because they love being active and hanging out with friends. Noah will totally overreact and text all their friends in boredom unless they have someone over to talk to. They also spam emojis whenever they text, and has the most perfectly designed animal crossing village (at least, he tries…). When talking to people about something they like, I’d imagine Noah starts talking very quickly and fumbling with their words trying to explain everything, and normally just confusing everyone.

And thats all I have for now!! Not sure how long this goes for but I’d love to add more!

Noahs also very floofy, and very dramatic :3