Lazare Al-samad



2 years, 14 days ago


Lazare Al-samad

129 / Aug 16





  • Self-conscious about how youthful he looks. He tries to pass for as old as he can, and tells people he's about 36-yrs-old.
  • He reads a lot of nonfiction books on obscure topics, and picks up and drops different hobbies regularly.
  • Because of his curse, many of his senses were dulled. He has limited taste or smell. Severe anhedonia in relation to music and aesthetics. The effects of drugs and alcohol are also severely weakened.

Design Notes

  • Long lower eyelashes.
  • Sharp canines.
  • Two moles on neck.
  • Wispy/snakey hair. Like he was dunked in sea water.


Lazare was an arrogant teenager who thought he was immune to consequence so when his town got hit by an epidemic and he got sick, he thought it would be a good idea to go visit the sea witch that moved in next door and allegedly caused the whole thing to ask it to stop. Sea witch trapped him for three days and made him do fortnite dances while they shouted go human boy go while he begged them to save his town (and was puking the whole time). Eventually the witch told him to go home but Lazare was desperate and begged one last time. “Please, I don’t wanna die…” “Yeah?” “Yeah…” “Bet.” Then he got cursed with magic-depression forever. Or at least until he wanted to die so bad he’d do it himself.

The epidemic didn’t even go away, in fact it probably got worse and his parents and oldest sister died. People found out about what he did and kicked him out, but his second oldest sister came with him. Also he has magic depression now so, everything was really lame. They lived normally for a while and Lazare became a sailor for a merchant ship. His sister eventually commit suicide so he just decided he didn’t want to be there anymore. After getting peer-pressured by a friend who was a bad influence, he waited for his merchant ship to encounter some pirates and asked the pirates to take him too since he doesn’t really feel like he can fit in with normal society anymore. Every couple of decades he’ll cycle between piracy and living at least a semi- normal life and traveling around the main islands. He recently started his third “fresh start” at driftwood.



oldest sister

Lazare's energetic but otherwise level-headed older sister, 13 years his senior. Spoiled him silly growing up along with their parents.

The primary cause of Lazare and Shatha leaving their hometown after getting into a particularly nasty argument. While she didn't actually want Lazare to leave, both parties were too stubborn to apologize.


older sister

Annoying jerk that took every opportunity to put Lazare in his place growing up, which seemingly had no affect on his spoiled personality. Still, they had a really close bond. They would often sneak as kids and explore nearby wilderness.

The only one that stuck by Lazare when he left town. Ultimately their relationship became a bit strained due to the constant stress of finding a new way to live and coping with their recent trauma. Shatha would eventually commit suicide.














sea witch
