



Name Nekane
Designer High noon
Gender Male
ObtainedIn a trade
Significant Other Aster
Rules May gift, readopt, or trade for another kalon only

RoleCasino Owner


  • His hair/fur is silky smooth

✔/ Loyal - Intelligent - Eloquent - Graceful - Organized - Well-read

X/ Paranoid - Eccentric  - Ruthless - Vain - Neat-freak - Misleading

Nekane is a well spoken gentleman who came from a background and wealth of a criminal family. He is eternally paranoid of being the next on the hitlist and tends to be very unusual and eccentric. While being kind and genuine to people close to him- and unfailingly loyal, he tries to negotiate his business on the right track while keeping hold of his fortune.


  • He's an expert in card counting and blackjack- something he learned to take advantage of people in his casino.

Nekane is a casino owner and businessman. He's an extremely paranoid individual-and for good reason. His father made his fortune in shady business dealings and practices, namely in killing off anyone who got in his way. Inevitably, his betrayals caught up with him and he was murdered himself, leaving his son the owner of his estate and next in line for danger. Having been trained by his father, he took up some questionable practices himself, but unlike his father- he adapted to become smarter. Instead of calling out hits, he just rigged his casino machines to have fatal consequences for those guests who are problematic to his fortune. After they sign a waver at the door, of course. 

He's very adept in upper class social situations, but isn't very savvy in the everyday life.

His family is british, but after his father's death they moved to America to pursue fortune elsewhere without his influence. Despite running a casino, Nekane is not a gambler in any aspect of his life and will do all he can to avoid leaving things up to chance. Plans and pre-considerations are very important to him. He will happily go out of his way to take very detailed notes of most aspects of his life to make sure that things go his way. When things don't, it can be very upsetting for him. Generally after having a mini-meltdown he'll just pay someone to deal with the problem for him rather than attempt to mess with it on his own.


  • Looking his best
  • Feeling safe and secure
  • Gold and jewelry
  • Luxury teas 

  • Being threatened
  • Messes
  • Losing money
  • Childish behavior

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.