
2 years, 23 days ago




NameFjara Álfhorft
Called Yara
Age Mid 20s
Gender Female
Race GMO Human
Role ---
Alignment Chaotic Good
Theme Song link

Where mythological fantasticism and postmodern cynicism meet; a zoomer in armor, with ancient Norse cultural knowledge, combat experience, and the tiktok handle "ultimatedrengr69". 

 Elf-Watched slayer of monsters, blessed and charged with the protection of Midgard 

RPR Profile


Skalli & Bjorn




Fjara was born in upstate New York in what many would consider to be a foreboding compound of sorts, with barbed wire partitioning the property from the surrounding rural region. Multiple houses (predominantly trailers) dot its landscape, as well as a few large swaths of bare ground carved out for a singular purpose: training. The Álfhorft (elf-watched) clan, you see, are renown monster hunters. Or at the very least, they were renown monster hunters, if you traced the lineage back far enough to the old Scandinavian days. They were once tasked with keeping Midgard safe in the wake of the Norse gods' exodus from their realm, and granted the strength and abilities to do so. From troll slayers to destroyers of dragons, the family earn their place within the Northern Heavens by keeping good and mundane folk safe from the supernatural. Nowadays, they operate largely anonymously, dispatching monstrous threats worldwide without the awareness of the people they protect. Like her mother before her, and her mother before that, brave Yara dons her armor and raises her sword against the creatures that go bump in the night, even if it doesn't quite pay the bills.


Raised and schooled within what many would consider to be a cult, Fjara didn't have the opportunity to get to know many people outside of her extended family. She'd grown up near-friendless and largely isolated from society. Whether because of this lapse in social development, or a predisposition towards anxiety, the young slayer tends towards anxiety in social settings, finding herself bogged down with a pesky degree of insecurity that is compensated for with a great deal of affability and humor. That said, she doesn't always count it as a tragedy, having come to realize that she generally finds the company of others a touch depleting, even despite her collectivist attitude and tendencies towards seeking and maintaining a sense of community. Once the initial barriers are overcome, however, Yara demonstrates steadfast loyalty, a fondness for dry humor, and inklings of mouthiness. On the job, there's no denying she's a courageous soul that readily stands between the helpless and the world's many dangers. Off the clock, however? She's still learning to navigate that particular battlefield.


Because the Alfhorft family has been blessed by Roric Hwaelson, an alfr from the realm of Alfheim, each generation is born with the abilities necessary to carry out their god-given task. Varying degrees of super strength and speed are common, as well as an inherited fighting ability that does not require training to achieve--a kind of muscle memory passed on from parent to offspring. Additionally, Fjara can usually detect supernatural presences and see through their various disguises. While she comes by these abilities naturally, Yara was also taught the lore of various species both magical and extraterrestrial. She has studied the myths and legends from across the globe, recognizing these stories as, more often than not, stemming from true accounts.

In addition, Fjara has been granted the ability to "superjump" distances up to 12m high and 20m far without injury sustained from landing, both granted to her by the magic runes tattooed on her ankles. Her purple cloak has also been enchanted to allow her to maintain a comfortable temperature despite her surroundings.
