Rocco's Comments


Are they uft/s :’o

ahh I got them for free, so I can't put them up for sale, but I did lose a little attachment sadly after he got lost in my development folder ;w; you could have them if you love 'em/ abide by the same rules since you're getting them for free XD

Yea if you don’t rly want him anymore I’d gladly take the bab :’0

alrighty! I'll transfer him <3

Thank you! <3

omg I love this guy

aa ty!! Are you interested in him? I could part with him :0

agh I don't really have anything to offer rn ;-; no art at least, and my UFT folder sucks because it's all old ocs :0 sorry, I think he's better with you XD rip

Oh, no, I meant for free! ;o;

oh-- wait rlly?? ;O; then in that case yES I WOULD LOVE THE LITTLE CINNAMON ROLL??!

Yea!!!! I never use him anyway c:

2 Replies