Hugo Sanchez



6 years, 6 months ago


Avatar drawn by Apocryphlux

TW –– mentions of suicidal/depressive thoughts, mentions of thoughts of self-harm

My friends and I decided to make Rocket League characters because... why not?

☁ General

Name: Hugo Nicolás Sanchez

Pronunciation: hyoo-go nick-o-lus san-chez

Nicknames: Hu, Sanchez, #3

Other Names: None

Titles: Mister, Student

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 17

Species: Human

Race: Latinx

Dominant Hand: Right

Verse(s): Rocket League Universe 

☁ Birth

Birthday: October 12

Birth Place: Monterrey, Nuevo Leon (Mexico)

Astrological Sign: Libra

Zodiac Sign: Unknown

☁ Appearance

Height: 5' 5" (165 cm)

Weight: 125 lb (57 kg)

Body Type: Oval/Skinny

Skin Color: Tanned Beige

Extra Anatomy: None

Hair Color: Blond

Hair Style: curly, shortish

Eye Color: Blue

Eye Type: Round

Eyebrow Color: Dark Blond

Eyebrow Type: average, straight

Eyelash Color: Dark Blond

Eyelash Length: Medium

Nose Shape: Greek/Turn-Up

Face Shape: Oval

Chin Size: Small

Facial Hair: None

Other: he has marks on his face every now and then because he's a teen and all

Alternative Appearances: N/A

☁ Wardrobe & Image

Wardrobe: mostly very casual, a lot of skinny jeans; he doesn't have a ton of clothing to wear because he could only bring a certain amount with him to the school he attends

Accessories: None

Favorite Outfit: a light wash blue denim bomber jacket, a black and white long-sleeved baseball shirt, white skinny jeans, and medium blue converse shoes

Equipment: he has two outfits for racing gear: his personal racing outfit, which is a medium blue and white helmet with a black-tinted visor, a blue zip-up lightweight racing jacket, blue and white pants, and racing gloves and racing shoes with blue, black, and white color schemes; and his team racing outfit, which is a flashy purple and white helmet with a blue-tinted visor, a light and dark blue zip-up lightweight racing jacket, white pants, black fingerless leather gloves, and purple and black racing shoes

Piercings: None

Tattoos: None

Makeup: None (he's kind of curious to try it but doesn't want to be made fun of or know where to get it)

Natural Scent: faint lemon (he drinks lemon water all the time)

Voice: American accent (though he has a typical Spanish accent when he speaks it), alto, tends to be quiet unless he gets excited or really happy, talks too fast or mumbles sometimes

Posture: slouches over all the time, isn't straight-backed when standing, just has really bad posture

Main Color Scheme: blue, yellow, white, black

☁ Personality

General Description of Personality: almost always slightly nervous, has self-esteem issues, procrastinates, joking, a little irresponsible, desires to help, idealistic, openminded, creative, passionate, energetic, impractical, impatient, takes things personally, hard on himself, lack of confidence sometimes and random boost of confidence at others, overthinks things normally yet quick thinker on field, energetic

Behavior: restless, easily distracted, forgetful, short attention span, fidgety, absent-minded, has difficulty focusing, anxious, has mood swings, has depressing thoughts, casual critique hurts his feelings more than it should, overthinks things all the time

MBTI Personality Type: ENFP 

Anima: sad, tired, homesick, lonely

Persona: happy-go-lucky, loud, content, fine with being alone

☁ Social

Mother(s): Mariana Sanchez

Father(s): Sebastián Sanchez

Guardian(s): None

Sibling(s): Blake Sanchez (older brother)

Children: None

Close Relative(s): None that are all that important to his story

Best Friend: None

Close Friend(s): None

Friends: Ivy Marilyn, Jade Nighman

Allies: Ivy Marilyn, Jade Nighman, Christopher Garret

Rival(s): None

Enemies: None (besides the other teams, but he doesn't have anything against them)

Role Model(s): Christopher Garret

Pet(s): None

Family Dynamics: since he's still at the Rocket League Institution for Junior-ranked and minor (under 18) players, he doesn't see his family too often nowadays and really only gets to see them on big holidays, though they call each other sometimes

Reputation: a lot of the students don't really notice him, some think he's annoying or too loud, while others think he's funny and happy and confident, but they usually forget he's there; the fans of Team Lock Hart tend to like him (usually the younger ones), but not as much as they like Jade and Ivy

Sociability: he's really outgoing and social, but he's a "yes" kind of person, he just kind of learned to agree with what others said to fit in

Status/Class: Middle Class

☁ Romance & Orientation

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Romantic Orientation: Heteroromantic

Gender Orientation: Cisgender

First Love: None

Love Interest(s): he has a small crush on one of the girls in the blue team, but otherwise, none

Significant Other(s): None

Former Significant Other(s): None

☁ Health

Overall Healthiness: Good

Diet: basically just less sugar, and he doesn't usually eat more than three meals a day

Exercise: about an hour before lunch every day, he works out in the gym at the Rocket League Institution, but he doesn't build up muscle very fast and loses calories pretty fast, and sometimes he pushes himself too hard and has to take a break for a few days

Allergies: None

Diseases: None

Physical Disorders: None

Mental Disorders: Clinical Depression Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Physical Disabilities: None

Developmental Disabilities: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 

Learning Disabilities: Dyscalculia 

Abnormalities: None

Vulnerabilities: N/A

Reasons for Health: genetics

☁ Psychology

IQ: 100

Language(s): English, Spanish

Vocabulary: Good

Memory: Fine

Temperament: extroverted introvert, melancholic, supine

Learning Style: Visual, Verbal, Physical, Social

Emotional Stability: Fine

Mental Health: Fine

☁ Philosophy

Religion: Agnostic

Animal Familiar: Dolphin

Allegiance: USA, Junior Purple Team

Political Party: Green

Alignment: Neutral Good

Optimist/Pessimist: Optimist

Virtues: Temperance, Charity, Humility, Forgiveness

Vices: Sloth, Envy

☁ Character

Quirks: always moving somehow/fidgets a lot/stims, adapts to other people's opinions, really needy to and dependent on loved ones, photographic yet also short-term memory, talks to animals, plants, and inanimate objects like they can understand him, walks really fast, tends to accidentally look over his mistakes, almost never sits completely normally in a chair (unless someone nags him about it or tells him to sit normally), easy to tell when he's bored because he looks either like he's about to fall asleep or like he's about to jump out of his chair

Hobbies: photography (on his phone though, he doesn't want to "waste" money on an actual camera), doodling, he likes video games but doesn't have many, working out (though it's not particularly the most enjoyable thing to him), swimming, listening to music

Mannerisms: gestures with his hands when he talks, usually clasps his hands behind his back and rocks back and forth on his feet awkwardly when standing, walks with his hands in his pockets, mumbles when he talks sometimes

Humor: just about anything (it's easy to make him laugh), he loves memes

Habits: paces when he's anxious, stims, talks to self when alone, chews nails

Traumas: fire, injury/illness/death of a loved one, physical assault

Nervous Tics: tapping foot or fingers, biting fingernails, pacing, twitching, glancing around, chewing inside of cheek, chewing pens and pencils, fidgeting in general, stimming, chewing nails

Regrets: being far away from his parents, sometimes he regrets not going for an easier job, ever leaving their old home in Mexico (though it wasn’t his decision)

Secrets: he's really sad but doesn't show it, he's thought about self-harm before and even, a few times, how much better it would be if he was dead, but never goes through with any of it

Phobias: None

Greatest Fear: being abandoned

Self-Confidence: Fine

Self-Control: Good

Self-Esteem: Fine

☁ Combat

Ability: N/A

Element: Water

Martial Arts: None

Immunities: None

Resistances: None

Strengths: good swimmer, okay runner

Weaknesses: not very physically strong

Restrictions: N/A

Source: genetics

☁ Home, Work, & Education

Abode: Rocket League Institution

Hometown: Monterrey, Nuevo Leon and Amsterdam, New York

Citizenship: American, New Yorker

Occupation(s): racing/playing in Rocket League

Transportation: car, walking/running

Criminal Record: None

Dream Job: Experienced Rocket League driver

Dependencies: he depends on the Institution for shelter

Schools/Colleges: Liceo de Monterrey (real place), Oxford School of Inglés (real place), Lynch Middle School (real place), Amsterdam High School (real place), Rocket League Racing Program, Rocket League Institution 

Special Education: None

Grades: Okay

Degrees: None

☁ Story Information

Archetype: Caregiver

Enneagram: The Helper, The Peacemaker

Role: Protagonist (in his story anyways)

Significance: One of the drivers/players on the Junior Purple Team

Inspiration for Character: he's kinda like Lance McClain from Voltron: Legendary Defender and Leo Valdez from the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan, I think those two were 75% of my inspiration for this character, to be honest... also, I guess my love for drifting and going as fast as I can in Rocket League personified itself, haha

One Word To Describe Them: Idealistic

Theme Song: "Amsterdam" by Imagine Dragons

Backstory: Hugo was born in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon in Mexico, and his parents immigrated to Amsterdam, New York, in the United States, when he was about eight. He has an older brother, Blake, but he moved out when Hugo was younger, and they aren't very close. Hugo hasn't really ever felt like he's that important to Blake.

Hugo always knew that he loved racing and driving vehicles, so when he found out professional racing was a job, he wanted to pursue it, no matter how much people told him he would never be able to. There was a training program near his high school in Amsterdam for teens who wanted to get into the Junior Rocket League, and students had to have their driver's license, pass a test, and have their racing skills evaluated to get in. Only fifteen students are accepted from around the country every year. (The purpose of this place was to train students to be potential Junior, or even Experienced [when they were older], Rocket League drivers in the future, in case any members in the Rocket League Institution quit/a new team was created.) Hugo was one of the students to pass and got a free scholarship to the Rocket League Racing Program when he was sixteen. The academy was close enough to his home that he was able to go home every night, and he still got the general education that he needed via the program as well. 

A year later, though, after a member of Lock Hart (the Junior Purple Team) quit, the qualifying students in the program scrambled to be evaluated and chosen for the team by the manager, Christopher Garret (who was in the Experienced Purple Team before he retired and is one of the best racers in Rocket League history [and is also Hugo's biggest role model]), and Hugo managed to impress Mr. Garret and earn his place on the team, getting another scholarship to attend the Rocket League Institution (where only Junior Team Members get to attend) in Georgia, and meeting his two other team members, Ivy Marilyn and Jade Nighman. He's still a rookie compared to them but has his own talents on the field.

☁ Favorite...

Animal: Dog

Color: Blue

Season: Spring

Weather: Rainy

Time of Day: Early Morning (like that time when everyone else is still asleep)

Food: Croquettes (especially the ones his family makes)

Drink: Lemon Water

Music Genre: Indie

Movie Genre: Comedy

Book Genre: Fantasy