


2 years, 2 months ago


- Name means "purple coloring"

- He/him

- Male

- Higher demon

- Third child and also looks similar to Tiberius but with more orange/yellow, different hair colours and horns, and dark blue/purple stripes that are very strong, also has few spines each side of his neck

- Despite he isn't fully purple-red colored, his parents thought that coloring would get stronger since his eldest brother wasn't that purple-red in the beginning until grew up, a reason why gave that name even if in the end were wrong about him being a fully purple- yeah Porphirios still has strong yellow/orange around his face and chest

- More laidback, basically calmer compared to his older brother, seriously is like a more yellow/orange calm version of Tiberius

- Wasn't interested nor seeking out a partner until met Teuila, a pink colored demon with white stripes, looked like a pretty fish to him

- His partner persuaded him in the first place, for sure was the flirty one- it wasn't hard to talk to him cause was social too, just wasn't interested of a partner during that time and the flirts flew over his head easily until his interest was peaked more

- Pretty much followed Teuila around since she dragged him along her to go do things and bond with him more

- Has few kiddos, meaning Asmo has few siblings that I do not bother to design now just gonna be nameless bunch not needed in the lore. They just exist shush

- How reacted to Asmo being a household demon? Since Porphirios was raised by Arioch meaning did not like witches nor think highly of them and made it clear didn't trust Norwoods even if modern witches are different. Took a while to warm up and see for himself that his son was doing well... There is still tension between him and Alamar though, that serpent demon doesn't like having other higher demons in his territory especially that has magic like the witches do