


2 years, 5 months ago



Sagekit was born into a family of a mother, a father, and two tom kits. Sagekit was the smaller of the two, with the other being Crowkit, a seemingly perfect kit. Just half a moon after Sagekit was born, his mother disappeared. His father, Ravenfrost, told everyone in the Clan that she had made the choice to become a kittypet. While his claims were initially met with suspicion, the Clan was in a time of starvation and didn't have time to investigate a possible murder. Sagekit initially believed his father's lies, but as he grew older he understood that his father's violent tendencies (which had unfortunately been passed down to him) were more than just talk.

Sagepaw grew close to Crowpaw, since their father tended to be looking for a fight at all times. But this connection would be severed one leafbare day when Sagepaw and Crowpaw were playing in the marshes by the Thunderpath. It had been snowing, so neither tom noticed where the path started. Sagepaw and Crowpaw were playing tag when a truck came rushing by, ripping Crowpaw's small body apart. Sagepaw was just a taillength away, but managed to get off the Thunderpath before another vehicle came by. Every time he told this story he omitted the part where he had told Crowpaw they didn't need to worry about the Thunderpath. Or that he had been chasing Crowpaw into the truck's path. See, he hadn't meant to kill Crowpaw. He had just thought that perhaps an accident would take his brother out of the limelight so often and give him a chance to shine. Sagepaw didn't even believe that these were conscious thoughts, just part of the background of his mind.

After that, Sagepaw kept to himself most of the time. He put increasingly less effort into his apprentice duties, oftentimes going out hunting by himself and eating his prey alone. He'd never been a strong believer in StarClan, and it didn't help that his father would frequently tell Sagepaw that StarClan had no power over their lives and they could do whatever they wanted. Ravenfrost took out a lot of his grief on Sagepaw, oftentimes calling him the worse son and saying that he wished the truck would have taken Sagepaw instead. Rather than taking this abuse, Sagepaw would fight back, leading to lots of verbal and even physical altercations. This is where he learned a lot of his combative nature.

Sagepaw failed his warrior assessment twice before he became Sagesnap. The first time, he'd 'forgotten' to thank StarClan for his prey, and had even taken a bite of the frog. His mentor hadn't been surprised, but still failed Sagepaw. The second time, Sagepaw couldn't find any prey, and took out his frustration on his mentor. Sagepaw claimed that his mentor was scaring away the prey, which was a completely unfounded claim, and attacked her. He managed to claw at her shoulder, leaving a nasty scar, and bit a chunk of flesh out of her tail. The repercussions of this were severe, and led to Sagepaw being assigned apprentice duties for two moons. He obviously didn't do them.

When it seemed Sagepaw would never become a warrior, his previous leader lost all of his lives, and his deputy became leader. She took pity on Sagepaw, letting him become a warrior without an assessment on the grounds that he had been part of the Clan for so long. Rather than thanking the leader, Sagesnap grew bitter towards her, and always claimed that she thought he was weak and worthless.

Sagesnap spends all his time arguing with his Clanmates, leading to literally none of them liking him. He rarely helps out with the Clan, and in the few times that he does, he'll spend the next moon bragging about how useful and awesome he was. He's also a very violent cat; he rips up a lot of animals either in camp or in the forest, alone.

• Starting Arguments
• Drama
• Orchidgaze
• Lilacpaw

• Leaders
• StarClan
• Entitled Cats
• Not being in control

• Massive contrarian
• How does he even have a partner and kid? We'll never know.
• Narcissist
• “I said, 'Make me love myself, so that I might love you'" - Saint Bernard
Name Sagesnap

Pronouns He/him

Clan ShadowClan

Species Cat

Sexuality Aromantic Gay

Alignment Chaotic Neutral