


2 years, 1 month ago


hey god its me again

-lukyan's little sister

-she's an electro sword, but she does also have some archer skills

-Her constellation will probably be Speculum Caeleste, meaning heavenly mirror. i had this thought of her making like a copy of herself to "mirror" her attacks while fighting

-Inessa’s parents sold both her and Lukyan off when they were kids. She was horrified by the Fatui, and instead of listening to Lukyan, she ran away and escaped. For a while she was left to fend for herself in the wild cold of Snezhnaya until a man named Yefim took her in and raised her to fight in the wild. It was just her and Yefim trying to make money off of their hunting, fishing, etc. Her story isn’t very interesting up until she gets involved in the plot of Inazuma

-Inessa and Yefim made enough money to be able to travel out and maybe even find where they wanted to settle — anywhere that wasn’t Snezhnaya. In the midst of a visit to Inazuma, Raiden released the decrees, locking Inessa and Yefim into Inazuma and forcing them to settle there. The Shogun became merciless toward her people, and Yefim happened to get caught in the crossfire. He was protecting Inessa from a duel with the shogun for her vision, which resulted in Yefim’s death right before her eyes. She ended up fleeing the scene, desperately seeking refuge.

-Unsure of where to go, she finds herself caught in the crossfire of the Fatui and delusions. Scaramouche as the harbinger at Inazuma has a run-in with Inessa, who tries to play hero and throw herself into their matters. After somehow now getting injured in the process, Inessa comes to terms with Scaramouche and continues to follow him while he escapes with the Electro gnosis.

-her last minute decision lands her in Sumeru, where the plan of turning Scaramouche into a god ensues. Inessa cannot decide whether or not she wildly agrees to assist him, or if she should listen to Kyle who came along with her to not play into plans like that

-btw she’s paired with Scaramouche and PwonPwon ‘s Kyle <3