Misha Toledo (All Versions) (Misha Toledo (Reset))



11 months, 29 days ago


Age: 19 (World Reset)

Race/species: Human

Gender: Female (She/Her/Hers)

Birthday: April 12th

Occupation: Fletcher and horse thief in Meridian

Personality:  Prideful, stubborn, optimistic, straightforward, passionate, out-going.  Reckless with personal and other's safety and functionally illiterate. 

Likes:  Crafting bows, giving in-detail lectures on natural materials, women, freshly baked bread, thievery, horses, entertaining children, and clowns.

Dislikes: Authority, men, being told that stealing is punishable by the law.  Intense phobia of heights and bugs.

Hobbies: Looking for women to date, petty crimes, stargazing.

World Reset: Misha doesn’t quite remember where she comes from. Her  current family tells her that she had been taken away from a bad  situation and placed into better care, but this had always felt like a  shoddy story. She vaguely remembers being around other families but had settled with a family-run smithy in a mountain range in the Northern Yora Plains before returning to Meridian. On her way to Meridian, Misha had stolen a  show-horse just on the outskirts of Varka and a bounty was set on her  to return the stolen property. This captured the attention of a lone mercenary who followed her into Meridian to collect her bounty. Misha disregards any claim that she is related to the mercenary on their few encounters, usually violent.