


2 years, 2 months ago


The Greedy Nightmare

Name Andrite

Age/Height +650 y.o. / 1.68m

Gender Female (She/He/They)

Orientation Greyromantic/ Allosexual Lesbian

Species & Hierachy Greed Occul - Omega

Occupation Mage / Nightmare

Place Void (Underworld)

Personality Sadistic, greedy, unhinged

Theme Idk q v q

Being a god

going on adventures in peoples dreams to bother them

making the world drown in the void

Story & Trivia

Andrite was once a Gem Human living Middle Age around the year 1350 as a powerful Mage of the current Kingdom...with the only twist that their actual Plan was to one day take over the Kingdom and make it to a Kingdom safe for Gems when the time was right since Gems were seen as threat and killed. Together with other warriors as Occulus and mages, such as her brother they protected the Kingdom from any threat- but one threat was too big even for them. The Black Pleague that suddenly got cursed onto humanity by an unknown force.
During this horrible time people found out about the cause of this mess and called it "the Devil". People saw how a tall umhuman figure made people decease from being sick.
To send an end to this hell, Occulus, Andrite and many other soldiers were told to find and kill the Demon and so they did. They provocated Kyrell so much until he has shown himself and immediately attacked them without saying many words. He just seemed to hate humans very much for unknown reasons.

The fight was hard, many soldiers lost their lives but Occulus and Andrite were ready to kill this monster- Together they planned a Team attack which got carried out successfully. Andrite used all her strength to stun the monster to the ground with her Gem Magic as Occulus stabbed Kyrells eye, his weak point that lead to an instant death. But Kyrell wouldn't give up so easily by making one final last move, carrying them into death too.

Andrite woke up hovering in an unknown...empty place... The place was colorful and dark at the same time and little flames inside of bubbles where flying around everywhere. The room seemed to be endless.

She also noticed that she became a ghost and decided fly around and discover the world...but there wasn't much to discover. It was always the same no matter how further she went. Flames over flames and nothing more.

Out of curiosity She took a look at those flames and could see something inside the bubbles- images of familiar but unknown places and faces of people she never saw before.
With her hand she decided to touch the Bubble and go absorbed into it.

For a second time she woke up in another place and panicked, she wanted to get out of this and hovered into the sky to hopefully get out...and it actually worked.

For the beginning she avoided those flames but after she got very very bored she entered one of the bubbles again and found out that the flames are souls of dead people and the bubbles are their "dream bubbles".
"This is gonna be fun" Andrite said as she noticed she can enter people's dreams and have some fun in them. The emptiness in the Void truely bored her.

But due to her loneliness and high key boredom she made her own stories our of peoples dreams and it was a Russian roulette with her mood if she let the dream end well or let it end in a total Nightmare.

This amused her very much, she felt like a god being able to control everything and imagined the End of the world were everyone would die, ending up in the void where Andrite would be the self proclaimed Ruler of the void...she just needed a way to get out of the void but for now she is stuck there.

...Maybe a misfortune happens in the Underworld and the portal to the Void opens accidentally.

-when alive Occulus knew she and her brother are Gems and kept it a secret
-the void is actually a peaceful place for Souls to rest forever and live their dreams but Andrite thought otherwise

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