


6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Maxine Sharpe




Plasmoid (formerly human)


███  B A C K G R O U N D ▼▼▼
Formerly an employee of Dyson, a freak accident in one of Dyson's experiments deteriorated her entire body leaving it almost completely destroyed. She then went on to become a guinea pig for Dyson to (attempt to) create a being made of pure plasma energy in to alleviate/fix the incredible irreversible damages to her body. Much like Trona, for unknown reasons, she too is after Dion though it doesn't appear she wants to kill her.

███  A B I L I T I E S▼▼▼
Her body can produce deadly amounts of plasma energy which she can concentrate into a form of laser beam that's similar to that of a gamma ray burst and is highly radioactive.

She is inhumanely strong and can lift a fucking truck with ease. If she punches a human they'll die instantly.

Maxia's body also floats thanks to a sort of magnetism it produces. When she enters a room certain objects made of metal tremble due to the strength of it, occasionally some stuff will stick to her.

Most humans that get near her  for prolong periods of time risk radiation poisoning.

███  E X T R A▼▼▼
★ The coat Maxia wears is what helps her maintain a humanoid shape at all, she can never remove it. 
★ She is the first (known successful) plasmoid to be created (albeit accidentally). 

★ Inside the coat there is a highly radioactive core that helps supply her with energy, if it is destroyed she dies. 
★ The coat is made out of a mysterious material that is very durable and hard to penetrate even with bullets. 
★ All her skin melted off and as you can imagine that was incredibly painful for her back when she had it.
★ Obviously hates Dyson with a passion.