
2 years, 2 months ago


//Basic Info//













Early twenties


"Blood pact"


Valentine's Baby Batch 2022





Long and lean


/Blood color/








Lacks any knowledge about his species



/Significant other/




//Acquired through//

Gift from Steve

Felix is a bright young aurubi with a somewhat troubled past, being given up by his mother at a young age, and his uncontrollable magic being more than most carers could deal with. His attempts at telepathic communication was often an incredibly high pitched sound that most could not bear to hear, and his panic attacks and outbursts left most of his caretakers feeling as though he would never find a real family. Eventually with the help of his eventual adoptive father, he was able to learn how to use telepathy to communicate more clearly and better care for himself and avoid panic attacks.

He is mostly blind and non verbal, however he is able to communicate through telepathy and sign language, as well as a few words verbally. He has many long whiskers and good hearing which he uses to sense out his environment, but also relies on help from his adoptive father, Dr Grant Fiction. A peculiar aspect of his magic is blossoms and petals being drawn to him, usually out of his control and when he is especially excited or upset. He can sometimes be seen as very quiet, still, and lacking in expression, but he is often communicating with his father and sister through telepathy(he has a good sense of humour and can be quite sassy sometimes).

Felix is intelligent and does his best to help his father and sister on their travels, enjoying spending time in different areas and cultures throughout the world, helping and learning about others like him with exceptional magic.