


6 years, 5 months ago


███  B A C K G R O U N D ▼▼▼
Illegal organ dealer/harvester responsible for several rather gruesome murders in the city of Aguas Negras. Is considered an urban legend and cryptid in the area but is very much a real thing. Many missing persons in the city are possibly a result of her doing, for the most part. She's the reason not many stay out late at night alone.

███  A B I L I T I E S▼▼▼
Crow is able to control a murder of crows, but also has a few ravens in her flock. Not much is known how she's able to control so many birds at once but it appears to be psychic in nature.

She has such a close connection with these birds that if one is hurt or killed she can feel it.

Possessing a high degree of agility and endurance, she's exceptionally well at hand to hand combat and other skills similar to that of a gymnast.

███  E X T R A▼▼▼
★ Her entire body is covered in horrific burns which she covers in a fashionable gauze outfit. 
★ Killing or hurting her birds will cause her to specifically target said person obessively. 

★ Doesn't talk much and many assume she's mute, but she is capable of speech. Tends to keep things short. 
★ It's not common of her to kill or go after someone in their homes but will from time to time if she's desperate for organs or enraged enough. She usually knocks on the door and if one opens the door then she'll attempt to enter. Much like a vampire. 
★ Crow's favorite choice of weapon is a sickle.
★ Only has one eye, the other is blind.
★ Base of operations tends to be in abandoned locations at the outskirts or poorer parts of the city, migrates frequently.