
2 years, 1 month ago


"Were gonna have some fun."

Arius is a Hellhound who had gotten curse with demonic powers, hes completely evil and finds murdering amusing.

  • Age Unknown
  • Pronouns He/him
  • Species Hellhound x wolf
  • Sexuality Gay
  • Height Ranges from 6ft - 30ft
  • Fear Losing Zues


"Foolish Mutt. Do you not know who I am?"

Arius has many other demon forms, he could melt his face/body to see hima as a skull, another one would be black shadow with or without tentacles, he has many more forms that are unknown, Arius is pretty much jusr a hellhound guy who contains many powers, So far he's known as one of the most powerful demons to exist... He has murdered millions, his mate Zues is the only thing he dearly loves, Zues is the only person Arius would do anything for.


"Fear me. Revere me. You are nothing compared to me."

Arius's personailty contains for him to be very greedy and selfish, He's very Manipulative and sarcastic and he can become arrogant... At some points hes known for being psycho and crazy. He comes off as a narcissist.


"I suppose it is to my liking."

  • Zues
  • Murdering
  • Stormy nights


"I abhor such things."

  • People
  • annoying sounds
  • People who flirt with zues


"Care to join me?"

  • Murdering innocents
  • Running around at night time
  • Haunting others



"You want to know how it all started? Then listen closely."

While Arius's Mother was giving birth, was the same night as a ritual was going on, him and his siblings had gotten cursed that night. Meanwhile Arius got the worse of it, he was demonically curse, the curse was si powerful that there was no cure for it, he'd have to stay that way for the rest of his life.


"I suppose that was when things changed."

Everytime he'd interact with his siblings he would acidentally hurt them. He couldn't control the curse and didn't even know he was curse at the point. One night, while his parents were in the den, his siblings were outside around playing in the woods.


"And so here we are."

something snapped and he blocked off every exit in the den to where his mother and father couldn't escape, killing them. His Younger siblings came back and was tramatized in fear ,they tried to get their parents out, but arius would hurt them, if they did. After his parents burned to death, he looked over at his siblings, then took off running abandoning them.

Stats & Abilities

Arius has many powers/Abilitys and some of them are unknown he contains much power. Here are some Shapeshifter, telekinesis, fire, change growth, manipulation/hypnosis, immortality, illusion, possesing others, dark magic, etc

"Run and hide as much as you'd like. You cannot escape me."








Arius can Manipulate others, or make them be in a trance. He can be very Manipulative!


He can Shapeshift into anything he wants too, he can shapeshift into your fears and mimic similar voices to the person hes shapeshift into.


One of Arius's favorites, he can Manipulate Fire, Like anything fire related, He can Melt his face/body turning his face or body into a skull or skelenton. He usually sets everything on fire, or burns other melting others.



"I Love them with my entire heart, my love."

Zues and Arius are Lovers, Arius thinks the world of Zues and would do anything for him. He can get a little over protective with him but thats only because he doesn't wanna lose him.


"They're quite fun to keep around."

Virus usually works for arius, even though Arius does hurt him and is very controlling.


"They are foolish."

Koa is Arius's brother that arius had abadoned them, Arius does like too fool around quite often if he gets the chance. Maybe one day they'll reunite