


2 years, 22 days ago





Adventure Rank 55

Adventure Exp 463678/500000

World Level 6

  • FULL NAME: Zahra Majid

  • AGE: Nineteen

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her

  • REGION: Sumeru

  • AFFILATTION: Troupe Fantazya

  • CONSTELLATION: Incedit Caninis

  • VISION: Cryo

  • WEAPON: Polearm (Scythe)


  • STATUS: Undercover


A mysterious dancer within Troupe Fantazya, a world-famous circus that travels throughout Teyvat, little is known about the Jackal-hybrid beyond her striking features and enchanting moves. Her fans describe her as demure and kind, while her enemies. Well, they don’t say much.


Like most performers, there are many sides to Zahra. On stage she is a dazzling swirl of silks, elegant and graceful. When with clients of Fantazya, she is whatever is needed of her. A quiet friend who listens to the woes of her patrons. A seductive minx, playful, skilled in the art of body language. To the rest of the Troupe, however, Zahra is described as cold and distant. She follows her orders, and follows them well, but with a level of contempt that does not manage to endear her to many.

The ’true’ Zahra is a girl who has seen the horrors of man and has been left cold. Unwilling to attach herself to others, Zahra views many, even those ‘close’ to her with distrust. Those who try to get close to her are often surprised by her sharpness, possibly because in public she plays the role of the poor, pitiful mute who needs saving well, that one would not expect the thorns that lay underneath.


A curvaceous young woman with a dark tanned skintone (#dca47c/ #d28c63). She has long, dark hair (#372f2d) that goes to her hips when down but she wears it in two twintails. On top of her head, you’ll quickly notice her long, pointed jackal-ears, that match the colour of her hair. She likes to accessorise her hair and ears with a mix of blue ribbons and gold and black jewellery on her left ear, which is pierced.

Her eyes are gold, lined with dark Smokey eyeshadow and on her left eye, the left of horus has been tattooed on, the dark lines curving down over her cheek. Her mouth, often hidden behind a silk veil, is scarred. While they are no longer fresh, you can see the remnants of severe scaring, from when her mouth had been sewn together. While her mouth is now free, she does not like to open her mouth, as her tongue has been mostly removed.

Her hands are tipped with long, black claw like nails. All of her clothes will have either a slit or a hole in the back for her large, fluffy tail to go through. Her tail is black, the same shade of her hair, but fades into a jay blue gradient (#99d5f9). On the back of her dress, she has a Sumeru Cryo Vision (not yet shown in game), just above her tail. On her arms she has three gold bands: one pair on her wrist, the other four on her upper arms.

*Please note – while in the pictures of her I’ve provided she has human ears, in reality she doesn’t, and her hair hides that part of her (like most hybrids in genshin have it hidden). All of her ‘art’ was made using GaiaOnline’s avatar builder, which has limited ability to put extra details. Please see other images bellow to see the details better.


Few understand that modern Teyvat is built upon the bones of those who came before. Before the Seven, there had been a myriad of Gods who roamed the lands. One such God was Ayperos, the Undying Death. It was said that he was a keeper of knowledge and had been struck down long before the Archon war, buried deep beneath the sands to stop him from ever rising again.

But there are those who continue to worship him. They keep him alive in their hearts, and at the head of this religious order is the Majid family. They say that they were made directly in the Undying Death’s image, their Jackal bloodline proof of their devotion and their power. Zahra was the only child of the High Priest, yet her status did not make her untouchable. Like most children, she was expected to be seen and not heard. The Keepers valued Knowledge and Truth, but they did not value children. They were merely tools that needed to be moulded. And Zahra was their most prized tool. Anything short of perfection was punished severely.

When Zahra was seven, she told a lie. It was a small lie – she can’t even quite recall what it was, anymore – but lying was a punishable crime. A Keeper of Knowledge and Truth could not be caught lying, especially the next High Priestess – she should be the most devoted of them all. She can’t remember the lie, but she can remember the feeling of hands pinning her down. Of hot iron in her mouth. Of a needle and thread piercing her lips.


After her escape from the compound she had lived in her entire life, the Keepers had seemingly disbanded. She had let them scatter to the wind, more concerned with running as far, far away from the Keepers as possible.

She ran for years. The road was long. She wandered from place to place – picking up new skills from here and there, taking on odd-jobs to make her way. Her memories of these years are hazy, but she could remember that sometimes people would join her, but they would quickly leave. For many years, she passed through life with very little motivating her to continue on other than spite. And then one day she stumbled upon a member of the Keepers, attempting to resurrect their cult. A man dragging a young child by the arm, and she saw red and attacked without thinking, little more than a wild beast.

She managed to hunt down five more Keepers before she was arrested.


Zahra had never cared much for Gods. All Gods were the same to her – be they Archon or not. But Kusanali was nothing like she had expected. They say she was to be executed, but the Archon had pardoned her. She was ‘free’.

Except, not really. “I need you to do something for me.” Was what she’d said. “Can you be my eyes and ears?”

In Sumeru, knowledge was power. Now, where had she heard that before?


  • Silk
  • Being difficult
  • Rain
  • Knives
  • Full moons


  • Being pet
  • Most food
  • Unecessary rules
  • Small spaces
  • Mondstadt


  • Dancing
  • Sand-gliding
  • Travelling
  • Swordfighting
  • Knife throwing


  • Zahra's hearing and eyesight is superior to other non-hybrid humans
  • Zahra enjoys knowing she’s upset or angered someone
  • Has very little respect for most people, with the exception of perhaps one or two people. Even then it’s debatable.
  • She primarily communicates through writing, as most people don’t know sign language.
  • She is privy to many secrets of commoners and nobles alike, for many people are quick to open up to her due to her muteness.
  • Zahra isn’t a fan of overly quiet people, because she obviously can’t keep the conversation going.
  • She never takes off her mask. Ever.
  • Zahra takes great pride in her appearance, her scars a big insecurity and a sore topic.
  • Despite hating being told what to do, she will follow orders given to her by her superiors – but you’ll know she isn’t happy about it.



Curabitur ultrices sapien velit, sit amet bibendum lacus facilisis vitae. Praesent facilisis sem vel maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eros lorem, pretium a enim ac, pulvinar commodo ipsum. Vestibulum dictum tortor ac commodo commodo. Nam id leo at risus aliquam accumsan. Quisque mollis vulputate nisi, a consectetur augue dapibus in. Nulla commodo sagittis turpis eget aliquam. Ut auctor interdum nisi, nec ultricies orci lobortis ac.




Curabitur ultrices sapien velit, sit amet bibendum lacus facilisis vitae. Praesent facilisis sem vel maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eros lorem, pretium a enim ac, pulvinar commodo ipsum. Vestibulum dictum tortor ac commodo commodo. Nam id leo at risus aliquam accumsan. Quisque mollis vulputate nisi, a consectetur augue dapibus in. Nulla commodo sagittis turpis eget aliquam. Ut auctor interdum nisi, nec ultricies orci lobortis ac.




Curabitur ultrices sapien velit, sit amet bibendum lacus facilisis vitae. Praesent facilisis sem vel maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eros lorem, pretium a enim ac, pulvinar commodo ipsum. Vestibulum dictum tortor ac commodo commodo. Nam id leo at risus aliquam accumsan. Quisque mollis vulputate nisi, a consectetur augue dapibus in. Nulla commodo sagittis turpis eget aliquam. Ut auctor interdum nisi, nec ultricies orci lobortis ac.

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