


2 years, 1 month ago



he/him (self-identifying male, true form has no genitalia / 'assigned sex')

gay (attracted to male/masculine-identifying individuals)

same/similar origins (same 'species' kinda) as atlas (character owned by mantispire) (<--- they are also friends)

unknown age. came to being loooooong before life existed on earth and will probably exist for eons after life on earth ends. he'd been staying around the sun and it's planets since human civilization was just beginning to form and humans were moving from hunter-gatherer lifestyles to the first few agricultural settlements and could describe the time between then and now (2020-2030 ish) as like a blink compared to how long he's existed (and hes visited many other lifeforms around the universe before taking interest in earth, earth isn't special and there are countless other civilizations he'd spent much much longer following before moving on thus far)

he's gone by a lot of other names just in his time visiting earth, and currently goes by mars (after another planet in earth's solar system). he changes his name every few centuries to help fit in

absorbs energy from the heat/light/radioactivity produced by astrological objects and events (but he can still eat physical food, he just has to give himself a place for it to go if he wants to swallow it or even digest it)

true form is MASSIVE, but he can change his form at will to become smaller or change his appearance altogether to a certain degree (he has limitations to how small or large he can become, as well as how much he can change about his appearance). he opens vents along his body to propel himself in space, they basically eject 'waste product' or excess energy/particles/whatever idk as clouds similar to nebulae

when he's with other lifeforms he tends to be energetic, extroverted, charismatic, flirty, cheeky, sarcastic, laid back, and surprisingly intelligent in the fields of biology, math, astrology, etc. etc. etc..(by that i mean hes incredibly intelligent but he really doesnt act like it LOL) when he's alone he could spend thousands of years with almost zero stimulus, just sort of floating 'dormant' in the emptiness of space. it's unknown if he can be killed by any means other than starvation, and even starvation seems impossible. (he can eat physical food from the planets he visits, but he can also absorb light, heat, radiation, etc. basically any form of energy. he could stick a fork into an outlet and call the shock he receives a snack LOL) . no i am not smart enough to explain any of these concepts

also he is very adorable and cute