
2 years, 2 months ago


Age: 388

Gender: Female

Species: Dragon (Hybrid)

Height: 8'7" feet  (Upright)

Length: 17ft

Skills and capabilities: 

  • Kyvershu can move in speeds at short bursts, that totally betray her gait and weight. Not as slow and sluggish as she might look.
  • She can actually breathe fire!. Though the glands are underdeveloped being a hybrid, and can only manage a puff of flame. Which she makes use of, for emergencies or just as a handy tool.
  • Kyvershu is an excellent climber, and can without much trouble scale and anchor herself to buildings, towers etc..
  • She has a very strong upper body strength, and can lift a few times more than a human and most other humanoids can.
  • Her coils are flexible and packed with muscle, which she loves to use to constrict enemies breathless and all in a matter of in minutes.


Kvyershu hatched one warm summers night. Watched eagerly by her mother, a Naga serpent from a coastal jungle expanse far from here. And her father a western Dragon, that lived in the shadows of the great cavern and mountains she was born that very moment. Lay curled around their clutch, watching as she slowly emerged into the world, an usual but magnificent sight. A hybrid of both creatures and inheriting the features of both her parents.
She had the upper half of a western Dragon like her father, having a draconic head. Finned ears and crest too. As well with bony stubs that were yet to grow out and to form her horns. She also possessed the features of her mother. Having no back legs or wings, and instead a long serpentine lower half. With all the exotic markings, and long forked tongue just like her mother. Unique, yet she was still loved very much by them both. Who although still mourning the other eggs that failed to hatch, saddened by the fact they bore no other sons or daughters.

The two agreed together, since she was getting all their attention now, and because they couldn't agree to which manner she'd be brought up. That they'd teach her the ways of both races, and let her decide for herself who in which she aligned more with. So as it was agreed, from a hatchling until an adolescent she travelled back and forth. Between the mountains and the depths of the jungle, spending years at a time with either of her parents. Learning of their customs, their daily lives, how they hunted and fought. Her mother taught her the spear hunting of her clan, and how to silently ambush prey under the thick canopy, and amongst the closely knit trees. How to read, to use traps and a few natural ointments should she need to use them on her travels. Whilst her father wanted her to be strong, ruthless and feared to enemies like he. Teaching her how to fight, to build up her strength and to hunt in the manner of his kind most of all. Using the weapons she already had, and not that of which her mother and her clan used.

She found their differences a little awkward at times, but loved her parents back very much as well. Honoring greatly the knowledge and time, they shared with her later into adolescence. She surely couldn't love one more than the other, and found it quite difficult to comphrend that she'd have to choose which of her parents races she in her heart felt more associated. To them there was no other known hybrids besides her, and this necessary.

So one evening her parents had gathered with her one last time in the cavern, in which she was born. To tell her respectfully they as part of their natures couldn't take care of her anymore, and had to leave to find her own way now. And she did so, but not without asking something of a memento to remember them by. Her mother gave her a green gem amulet, and her father a tooth that just happened to be loose anyway. Gifting them with a single scale from the back of her right paw, before they exchanged their last words and parted.

With the two items she carried in a pouch around her neck, she head out into the wide and wild world.

Wandering along into the wilderness. She travelled far and long, until she came across a small mining community nestled in the centre of a great and dusty quarry. At the foot of a towering rocky crag. In which she stopped by, on her way in search of somewhere to stay a while and before she moved on to where ever her curuiosity brought her next. The inhabitants of many different races, who mined the underground there hid behind and inside their shacks out of fear and confusion of seeing a creature like her. But some had the courage to explain the town had terrible trouble with bandits, that every few days rode in on their horses.In a large posse, stealing from their stores, and even at times robbing them at swordpoint. Explaining also that they now were tired of the raids and desperate for help, asking her if she would. Despite their fear and uneasiness about her being there. She obliged. So from that day onward volunteering to supervise and guard the miners as they worked, in exchange for being allowed to stay in the small town.
There she remained for the next few days standing guard, watching as the miners toiled away. Entering and exiting the tunnels they carved into the rock,with carts loaded with coal/the ore of many metals and precious gems. Acting as a deterrant and occasionally lending her help to the miners in the darkness of the underground, with no sign yet of the group of bandits who came down regularly to claim the profits of the town. When they did appear on the edge of the quarry, they stared down at her form, with unease and disgust. Turning away, heading back to where they'd came. Apparently thinking better of it to enter the town, when there could be more like her around. The townspeople then quietly came out from their hiding places, beginning to feel a lot less uneasy and more tolerant of her, after unerving the bandits enough to leave. But the bandits soon did return, leaving them in peace a few weeks, until they once again appeared and charged into the settlement. With the intention to raid and take what they could, at a full gallop. Only to be thwarted again by her. A barrel thrown into their midst, knocking the horses and their riders down, and a loud roar sending them scattering. This time never to return.
The miners were so very grateful for her help and celebrated happily, now that it seemed they were finally freed from their troubles. In their gratitude allowing her to stay there as long as she needed.

And a year she did stay, lending any more help should it be asked. Whilst she thought of where she should go now, and where would be a suitable place for her to live. Pondering over this as she stopped by a stream to fill a bucket. As a favour for one of the workers, one fateful evening. Suddenly feeling a heavy, painful impact to the back of her head, and then twice more before she'd turned her head. The world quickly fading and going dark, as she was knocked down unconcious.

When she awoke she found herself in a most terrible and hopeless situation, dragged along from seedy squalid town to seedy squalid town by ratfolk slavers. Who had bound her forearms and wrists in chains, and there wasn't anything she could do to easily escape. The length of chain restraining her, was connected to another with a lock in between, to the person ahead of her and someone else behind her. They were being led in a chain gang of fifteen individuals, including herself and following a small column of four horse drawn wagons. The rear most of which, had the end of the chain attached to a post nailed onto the cart, on of which sat the ringleader of this group of vermin. Watching over the unfortunate collection of beings they snatched from their homes and livelyhoods, as they were being led across a shortcut through a wide expanse of desert. Those around her she could feel the weakness of, they were sweltering in the blazing heat and were exhausted. Hobbling across the sand, in an effort to keep up with the wagons rolling over the sand dunes.
The wagons ahead of them carried just enough supplies to make the three day journey from here, but all mostly for their captors and almost nothing for those they forced along with them. They had nothing, nothing at all but what they wore at the time. Everything of value they had was taken, or just thrown away. Which is what exactly happened to the little leather pouch Kvyershu wore around her neck, the ringleader themself had a few days ago, tore off from her neck and tossed it into the sand. She was furious and wanted no more to tear them apart, knowing she'd never see it again. But she could do very little. Their captors were frustratingly well prepared for resistance, and now and again accompanied the chain gang on either side. Watching them carefully for signs of trouble, or anyone holding up the line. Whenever someone did falter, they were struck with a sword pommel or whip. Weapons that were half the time nearing good quality, a disgusting indication to the profit they gained doing this. And whenever someone completely collapsed out of exhaustion or otherwise, they were simply disconnected form the chain and were ordered to be hacked down. Left to bleed out on the sand or to the mercy of the vultures that circled high overhead.

It was almost evening when the slavers decided to stop by a oasis to make camp for the night, rest themselves and their horses and continue on the next day. Busying themselves pitching tents, arranging their wagons and fetching food and water. While the rest were lead into a tent of their own, free from the binding that attached them all to the wagon only. Which still made escape not very likely, as the chains would rattle noisily at the slightest movement and everyone would move too clumsily for any hope of outrunning them. Not like there was any safe place to go to anyway. But she couldn't take it anymore, the months of being a prisoner, humilated and hurt. So thought quietly to herself, of some way of escaping and enacting revenge upon those that brought her here. Nightfall was best to do that, so she waited first until the sun sank below the horizon and cast long shadows along the sands. Before she looked down at the chain wrapped around her, and to the lock that dangled midway along it's length.
She wasn't willing to try to break her own wrists, to be able to slip out but what she thought of was painful still. She could clearly not pick at with her claws, as they were tightly bound to together. Besides the tips were not slim enough to poke inside the keyhole, but she was sure one of her own teeth could fit in enough. So she picked at the gum of her lower jaw and tugged at one of her own pointed back teeth, tearing one out clean. With the tip of her tail, although awkwardly. She took the tooth, and inserted it into the keyhole. It went in only a little way, and jiggled it around, not knowing if it was enough. When there was a click, and the chains slowly slipped down from her arms as she was freed. Keeping low to the ground, she slithered out into the dark of the night, blood still dribbling from her jaws. Silently signalling to the others she will be back and not to move, before she slipped away to search for the ringleaders tent.

Unseen she slipped inside and extinguished the only source of light. A single candle set upon a cracked dish and waited there, lying flat with eyes set on the entrance. Once the ringleader came bumbling into the tent, and began to grumble something about the wind blowing out the light. When she threw herself and her weight on top of them. Whipping her long body around them before they could make a sound and tightened her embrace. Slowly constricting them to death. Something she felt a savage thrill doing, something she guessed she got from her father knowing him. As she took a ring of keys from the lifeless bodies pocket, and set off back into the night and into the slaves tent. Freeing all those held there, before she made two more trips back and forth. This time seraching for weapons in one of the wagons, which she did find quite easily. Using a sack to wrap firmly around them to keep them from clanging together as she transported one armful and then another. Again the few guards patrolling up and down the encampment, totally unaware of her and the rebellion in progress.

With now all the would be slaves armed, she quietly mentioned that stealth would be the only way they'd be successful in taking down their captors. Taking the last remaining blade for herself, a not so well sharpened short sword and with her sneak outside. Their only reward would be their supplies, and that was motivating enough for those with her. That and they outnumbered their enemy fourteen to nine. So they quietly as they could snuck up on those guarding and those resting in their tents, killing them off one by one. It was all going to plan, except someone had alerted those remaining. Four were unfortunately lost in the short skirmish. But in the end all of the slavers lie dead, and with Kvyershu taking out another two herself.

With all freed and without any more to worry about they together took what equipment they could, loading them onto the wagons. All but the tattered tents and the bodies that they had no choice but to leave behind, as they prepared to make their escape. Boarding the wagons, while the four that volunteered to, took the reigns and led the horses away east. Along the original route that was planned and mapped out by the slavers, because it was the quickest way out of the desert. And the wagons, they found had been stocked with enough supplies to last the three day journey only. A very welcome thing, after being in such terrible conditions.

On the third day and after evenly sharing out the supplies between them on the way, the column began to roll out of the desert sands finally. They were rumbling along dry temperate shrublands, and low rolling hills. A heavily fortified, walled town coming into sight as they continued east. The plan agreed among the group was to pick up supplies and find a way of contacting the places they'd been taken from. Slowly turning and approaching the gatehouse, with  six guardsmen there keeping watch.

Catching sight of them, the guardsmen unexpectedly and aggressively flagged up the column. Closing in around them, with their weapons trained on the wagons. Threatening them and otherwise denying them entry into the town, it seemed they were mistaken for a band of travelling criminals. Of which seemed to be known in these parts. Fortunately a nobleman atop his steed, was on his way out of the gates at that moment. Noticing the commotion taking place there, and ordered to know what was happening. Then ordering the men to lower their weapons, which they also obeyed. Speaking now directly to all those inside the wagons, and to surrender. Far from wanting another fight, Kvyershu and the group slipped out and onto the path.
Dirty, bloodied and exhausted from their ordeal. Clearly in no condition to put up any kind of fight whatsoever. Noticing this and after a few awkward minutes gawking at the Draconic hybrid, while someone in the group spoke up and explained how they came to be here. The nobleman revealed himself to be a count of this region, and that he'd offer them sanctuary and a home within the town. But only in exchange for their service in the peasant army he was raising, and in support of the army of the kingdom that he was a part of. The group though unsure what that would entail, reluctantly agreed to this. For it at least meant they'd have a much better life, compared to that they just left behind and the likelyhood of reaching home one way or another was possible.

Kvyershu and those with her were treated as suspicious strangers, by the watching townspeople as they were led into the town. Of course noone else, turned heads like she did. The people thought of her as a monster to be feared, and stood staring in the street, some jeering as she slithered past. Flinching and retreating back into their homes, by just a single glare as they were brought into the courtyard of a barracks. There is where they were made to swear alliegance to this Count, and were escorted around and shown where they were staying. As well as what rules he wanted them to follow, and what his plan was. It was said they were to be part of a defensive force, placed here to protect both this important town, that made it's riches in trade. And one on standby to also help defend this region, as it was on the farthest edge of the kingdom the Count spoke of.
They were to be paid like the rest, very little but enough to sustain them and they were to be provided with their equipment. With which they'd train together in drills held twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening. The weapons they were given were usually long pole weapons and converted tools. Kyvershu herself choosing a war scythe as her chosen weapon, a six foot pole with an upturned scythe blade atop.

It was here that was her home until she'd reached adulthood, living modestly within the buildings around the barracks. Along with the group she'd been brought in with, and spent a lot of time training with them, socialising with them. They soon became good friends, and due to the towns remoteness along with its thick stone fortifications surrounding it. They felt safe here, not to mention more welcome there. The townspeople seemed to get used to them, and no longer showed  any sign of hostility toward them. Going about thier business without batting too much of an eye, yet they were still quite wary of the hybrid.

Years passed and without incident, it almost seemed as though there was no need to build and station an army here. They mightve been trained well enough to put up a solid defence, despite the quality of their weapons.But daily life went by most of the time undisturbed. All seemed calm and well, until an urgent message was recieved. Reporting that this town had been the target of one of the kingdoms enemies, who they'd been fighting elsewhere the whole time.

It was only a matter of time, until the town would be assaulted and one fateful day all chaos broke loose. Kvyershu found herself caught in the pandemonium of battle. The walls had been lost, and noone could step up and fend off the attack from above. Without a great torrent of arrows and projectiles launched over the walls from the line of catapults outside. The gates had already been broken through and both armies clashed there, colliding in a frenzy of whirling blades and shields. Joing the back of the pack, and jabbing over and above the heads of the peasant army and the soldiers of their kingdom, sent to reinforce.
But along with their armies numbers slowly depleting, the ricochet of an arrow bouncing off a horn. Kyvershu was convinced she'd die here and all of this in the end turned out to be a bad idea. Retreating backward toward the town centre, as buildings collapsed around her and the army scattered as enemy cavalry ran through them. Overunning them, running them down on the streets and in the alleyways. Send them too retreating backward into the town square.

Though she felt cowardly for doing it, she slipped away and tried to find a place to hide. When an enemy lancer ran across her path unexpectedly, the sight of her spooking their horse and causing it to rear. She didn't hesistate and jabbed at them, the blade piercing but breaking off as they fell. Assuming she might need it later, she took the lance they were wielding and took shelter in an nearby home. Feeling cowardly for hiding, as she climbed up and coiled around the wooden beams. But the only way out was through the gates where the fighting was taking place, and outside of it too. So she lay low, and waited for the sounds of battle to fade.

Outside she could hear the clash and ringing of steel intensify, the crackling of flames around her as well as buildings crashing down into rubble. As they were struck by projectiles, launched up and over the wall by the enemy's siege engines. Just when she thought her luck couldn't get any worse, a thunderous impact shook the building as a boulder smashed right through. Passing through and the foundations, causing the walls to fall inward and the roof to collapse. Which tumbled down on top of her, and trapping her under debris and in pitch darkness.

When she opened her eyes, she noticed it was totally silent, not a sound could be heard outside of the ruin. She had no idea how long she'd been lying there, covered head to tail in dust and thatching. Pinned beneath a heavy timber beam and a great heap of shattered brick. But after lethargically pushing the debris covering her off, and shaking herself off from the dust that clung to her. She took up the lance and slipped her way out of the ruin, stumbling then upon a surprising sight.
It was the middle of the night, the full moon from above casting it's silvery light on what used to be a bustling town.She was out cold for the rest of the day and long, long into the night. All around her was ruin and destruction, every structure surrounding her a ruin or heavily damaged in some way.
But the most strangest thing was the town was totally devoid of life, even the dead did not remain. Though there was the scent of smoke on the wind and thin trails of smoke stretching, up to the stars. So it was not so difficult to put two and two together there.
Sneaking along the battered walls, she stuck to the shadows and cautiously made her way toward the gate.Discovering that two enemy footsoldiers stood guard. The only thing standing between her and escape.She dealt with them quickly and silently, running one through and crushing the others neck with a quick bite.Letting them drop, noone being the wiser as she slithered away into the night.

It was far too dangerous now to turn back to see what became of her friends, during her time there. But she assumed they met the same fate as everyone else. The ruined town was now occupied. The victorious enemy force had pitched up large tents around the outskirts of the walls, encircling towering pyres. Now smouldering. Keeping her head down she continued onward, not knowing where she could turn now. Going from town to town, without much of a direction in life.
Training alone at dusk, to keep the skills she'd learnt under the the tutoring under the count that took her in, still sharp as ever.
Discovering one day a shady guild of assassins and mercenaries, she felt she found her calling there. With a thirst to punish those like those who harmed her and others, she expressed a desire to be a part and offer her services to whoever asked. She wasn't accepted at first, but after a little "friendly" convincing was accepted among them.