


6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Jyoti Cecilia Joshi


Physically 23, actual age unknown










Nonbinary (They/Them)


March 3rd


English, Latin





  • Lavender hair that falls in lose curls down to their mid chest. They keep two sections of hair up in star-shaped buns.
  • Medium brown skin with a red undertone.
  • Nose on the smaller side, but slightly hooked. Their nose is pierced once, on their right nostril.
  • Their eyes are a pale blue colour
  • They have wide hips, thighs on the larger side, a small waist and a small-medium sized bust which they regularly but not always bind. They're petite overall, at 5'3" tall.
  • They're fond of soft, dreamy clothing- fluffy sweaters or fluffy chiffon princess minidresses. Their style could be defined as a toned-down fairy kei or pastel cute. They enjoy star, cloud or unicorn motifs. They aren't at all sensitive to the cold, so it's not unusual to see them wearing little in winter or a lot in summer. They dislike wearing shoes. They usually wear pastel purple, then baby pink, and least commonly white. Outside of wearing Andromeda's clothing they never really wear any other colours.
  • They like getting their nails done and decorated cutely.
  • They have a dream form, in which their body appears doll like with ball joints, angel wings tipped with gold, their star buns replaced with vials containing a fluid that looks like the sky, longer hair, their torso replaced with a gold cage structure similar to that of a wire mannequin, their arms painted like skies, and their legs with a stained glass window adornment. They have a nightmare form, too, which is more harpy-like with a plague doctor mask and mechanical elements.
  • Helpful- Quick to do whatever possible to help and unafraid of tackling chores most would find extremely dull or undesirable. Whilst their areas of knowledge are limited or niche, they love to teach and guide others on things they do know about. Somewhat of a people pleaser, they hate to let others down, and will apologise profusely when anyone could even potentially be upset or disappointed in them.
  • Diligent- They're very careful and take any duties they have seriously, extending even to tasks they assign themself or things they do completely voluntarily.
  • Dreamy- Sometimes they seem to be not entirely present or unresponsive, haven gotten lost in thoughts or daydreamy. They give off an ethereal vibe in general. which adds to this.
  • Calming- Their voice and presence tend to be very soothing, their body language tends to be careful and delicate.
  • Virtuous- They adhere very strongly to their moral code and what they percieve to be good and morally righteous, and whilst they tend to be relatively meek more often than not, they'll stand their ground if they object strongly to what someone around them is doing.
  • Curious- New to the world, everything is interesting and worth exploring to them. They have a habit of getting themself lost in new locations to discover new things, but are always able to find their way back home somehow.
  • Melancholic- As much as they don't tend to show it, they're relatively pessimistic and expect the worst from everyone and everything around them. They rarely smile or express happiness, also.


They live with Andromeda, their spouse, and Opal, their cat. They help out with baking at the cafe on occasion, but mostly dedicate their time to housekeeping, caring for Andromeda, and exploring.


  • Learning new recipes
  • Music and Record collecting.
  • Poetry
  • Humans
  • Pottery
  • Fortune Telling and Divination

Misc Information

  • They're legally blind and only see vague shapes and colours. Their hearing is very sensitive.
  • They don't feel physical pain except for in their hands. They have limited sensation in their limbs, and are insensitive to heat.
  • They're hypersexual.
  • They don't need to eat and rarely do. They have some fondness for white fish and tea, especially chamomile.