Closed's Comments

I feel so bad for adding onto this massive list of comments– If they're still open tho, I may as well comment?

• F/M: Feminine

• Element: Cryo

• Design Notes: Fatui-inspired design, maybe include a cool mask? I honestly don't have a specific idea in mind, I just know I want her to have a sorta cool, slightly imposing aura 

Feminine or masculine: Feminine please!

Element: Pyro or Dendro

design notes: A feline-like adepti maybe? 

Feminine or masculine: fem preferred

Element: electro or cryo

design notes: hmmm maybe,, a pirate. or like someone who ran away from a traveling circus... maybe both that would be cool

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Feminine or masculine: Fem

Element: Dendro

design notes: I would love if she could be a goat with a mushrrom hat!

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Thought I’d give this a go!! Thank you for the opportunity! 💙✨

Feminine or Masculine?: Feminine

Element: Hydro

Design Notes: A female sword user who wields a Hydro vision! She lives in Liyue, but travels constantly to Mondstadt! She’s an Adeptus, with a Chinese dragon form! She has short hair (which she keeps short so it doesn’t get tangled on her horns), and a mix of markings and scales down both her arms and back. These are a constant reminder that she isn’t like the regular residents of Teyvat.

Despite being an Adeptus, she often slips away from the others to socialise with civilisation and to go on adventures! Hates the responsibility of an Adeptus, but loves to swing her sword at enemies and find treasure around Liyue and Mondstadt! Is free spirited, hates being tied down and extroverted!

She’s quick and swift on her feet, but is also a clutz, always dropping things or tripping over her own two feet once she’s finished fighting monsters.

ahh is this still open? if yes I’d like to toss this in here, your designs are really pretty <33 

Feminine or masculine: feminine please!

Element: electro :D 

design notes: I think I’d like for them to be from liyue! maybe something practical and flexible with a stealth theme?

ty for the opportunity!


gonna try give this a try for some gorgeous art      

Feminine or Masculine: Masculine maybe?

Element: Electro

Design notes: i have a question, would it be cool for u to take my sona and have fun with the design? Like only eye colour, skin colour and hair(colour and styled similarly) stays the same but otherwise go wild COMPLETELY ? :0 Including personality and anything else i didn't mention (ofc if ur not comfortable with this i don't mind!! i thought it was worth the ask atleast ^^)

For the vibe i was thinking a more fontaine way of dressing ? (ik its not released yet but there are 2 characters shown from teaser lyney and lynette but also some npcs that could maybe inspire u? :0 (basically suit-like) BUT OFCOURSE ID LOVE TO SEE SOME SPINS ON IT!! :D, doesn't have to be 100% accurate. Also would be very sweet if they something cherry related, either ornament or a simple tattoo, anything rlly. colours maybe mostly black and purple ? (with any accent colours !)

for weapon i was thinking either a claymore or a bow fjsknfda. and maybe a more feral-ish crazy that acts on impulse like itto, xinyan and hu tao

if u wanna make them human or humanoid i don't mind ^^ both are awesome options

Feminine or masculine: Feminine  

Element: Pyro 

design notes: A sword user. Maybe her outfit can be similar to Jean or Sucrose's outfit but with hues of red/brown and gray. Long, maroon hair tied up in a ponytail, with a hat or other accessory on her head. Very arrogant in pose. Maybe she can have draconic features of sorts? Up to you!

Thank you for the chance, your designs are all lovely so far!

Feminine or masculine: feminine

Element: cryo

design notes: shoulder length brown hair, and freckles!! shes from Mondstadt so more european design elements would slay!! otherwise just go with whatever you want!!

thank you :)

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Feminine or masculine: androgynous

Element: Cryo

design notes- maybe half (winter) fox? and their clothing is fit for warmth? they're very pale, and have a rather desaturated color palette

Feminine or masculine: Masculine 

Element: Geo

design notes: I was thinking something scraggy possible wizard type that can fight, Late 20's range. Maybe with a pixie cut sand color hair with a light tan skin color. Maybe someone mischievous and fast on his feet. 

Thanks for the chance, if you do mine, let me know and I can donate my last 30 DA points to you. Thanks.

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Feminine or masculine: feminine pls!

Element: Dendro or cryo - whichever best fits the design notes

design notes: She has feline like abilities such as being very agile and always landing on her feet. She resembles a snow leopard. A charming and quiet soul, endures in the fishing tourneys every so often in Mondstat and travels with Beidou from Liyue. Her chosen weapon is a polearm and she also carries a dagger on her gifted by her brother. Her outfit is similar to a mix of yanfei, rosaria, and kaeya.

Also, thank you so much for this oppurtunity! everyone else im sure is also super grateful for this  ^.^

Feminine or masculine: feminine

Element: hydro

design notes: Has cat like features like Diona. Clumsy. Lives in Inazuma so japanese inspired clothes.


feminine or masculin: can have a fem body just flat chest!

element: pyro or electro idm 

design notes: id love clothing inspired by chongyun and kujou sara 

ty for hosting!


Feminine or masculine: Feminine

Element: Electro

design notes: Simple clothing is fine with me! Maybe some sort of fancy, yet easy to draw dress of any color? Maybe with a weapon too? Oh and maybe some humanoid traits like horns or such? Other than tho, you can go wild xp

Thank you for the opportunity!


Feminine or masculine: Fem!

Element: Anemo

design notes: wavy brown hair and brown eyes. Slightly light tan skin. I would love it if her outfit could look sorta like Kokomi's. Pink and purple are a huge yes and green is good too bc anemo. For weapon it can be either catalyst or sword, you can pick! Cherry blossom aesthetic is so yes. Thank you so much for the opportunity, our designs are gorgeous! <3

Sending now! Hope you like it, if you don’t use them then you can regift to me or someone else! Pref me tho :’) 


Np! Glad you like it

Hi! I dont see the design in my design tab anymore could you tell me what happened to it? 

Aaah it's currently hidden in my genshin folder, would you like me to unhide it?

Yes please! I prefer to keep track of my designs sorry! >< 

1 Replies

Feminine electro, 

design notes: 

maybe two loose braids, dark hair ^^

Color scheme is like a purpley or indigo

as for the outfit maybe a transparent cloak and gold trim/edge on the outfit, 

Small Details pls XD

Feminine Geo (rock/ground) character with a sword? :]

As for design elements,,, maybe hair thats tied up? Maybe like flowy hair decorations? Maybe like an elegant sorta vibe with the clothing?

for the colors,,, hmm, maybe like earthy tones with like brighter yellows for accents!

Ty for the chance!!!

Finished! I hope you like it!^^ if you dont use them then you can re gift to me or someone else ( pref me ) >:3

TYSM! they look lovely!

Np! Hope you give them a nice home 

Gem or Masc ; Fem!

Element; Electro

Design notes; For smomething to refrance; She is going to be related to this character. The sister that is the custom is definitely younger and had their vision longer. And due to that fact, the two sisters often squabble.

- She is apart of Raiden Shoguns Anti- Vision decree ( or the vision hunt ). ( Raiden is the Eectro god! :) )

- she and her sister currently are on two opposing sides of the war in Inazuma.

- she has more regal clothing to her due to the higher lint of money she has.

- She is often found interacting with Sara  Yae Miko; Sayu ( most commonly talked too or seen with ) ; and the Shogun. ( all characters that can be looked up! )

Feminine or masculine: feminine

Element: anemo!

design notes: i'm not sure if this is allowed; but could the custom be of an already existing character :0? they don't exactly have a full reference, so i'd give you the creative freedom to design them however you'd like <3! this is the character; they're sort of a ghost that another one of my ocs, kumi summons, so they don't exactly have a weapon </3 she's meant to be from inazuma, so anything that looks like traditional japanese clothing/just fit into the genshin lore is fine with me <3!

let me know if this isn't allowed though, i wouldn't mind changing it to a different character, but tysm for the opportunity <3!

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Feminine or masculine: Feminine

Element: Geo please

design notes: a scar over her left eye and a sword, also similer to kaya and dilucs outfit oh and wolf ears ^^ the rest is your choice

Feminine or masculine: feminine-ish masculine??? or just feminine

Element: ice

design notes: big shark tail and bear ears!!! maybe clothing tends to be fighter-ish (like dark blue&black&gold!!!) maybe piercings too!! (just go wild <3)

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Feminine or masculine: Feminine! 

Element: Either Electro or Hydro! ^^

design notes:  A bow user or claymore user from Inazuma! Maybe a kitsune (like yae miko) of sorts, with little ears and tail(s) that softly glow. I feel like she'd possibly lurk around the outskirts of some Inazuma cities mayb.. Outfit wise.. not sure go crazy lol, I really like characters with long sleeves tho! Pastel or muted colors are also very cool waaghh >_<

Tysm for the opportunity!! I bet all the designs you'll make from this will turn out amazing! <33

Finished! Hope you love it <3, if you don’t use them please re gift to me or someone else ( pref me ) And skim over my tos if you have the time ^^

Oh my goodness thank you so much!! I adore her sm!! <33 >w<

yw! ^^ :D

Feminine or masculine: Masculine

Element: Fire 

Design Notes: I like any ears(animal), tails, and horns(short)! Long hair is preferred^^

Tysm for the chance!

Feminine or masculine: Masculine, please! But if you aren't able to do that, please don't worry- I don't mind a more feminine appearance, but I would probably make them nonbinary in that sense. :D

Element: Anemo (Otherwise known as wind! It normally is associated with facing or accepting the loss of a close friend, and is associated with the Archon of Freedom)

design notes: At first thought, I think an anemo polearm of an oc would be neat! My oc would prioritize being light on their feet, oftentimes drawing comparisons to themselves and the wind. Their clothes may either be more revealing or flowy depending on their casual or battle-ready stands, but when not trying to fight, they may try to make themself seem more regal in appearance. Similar to Zhongli's design, I like the colored markings below his eyes, and as for an eye shape- I think a diamond would look good? Although they are from Liyue, they had moved to Inazuma before the Vision Hunt Decree was declared, therefore dedicating themself to trying to save those that needed to flee from Ritou. They are heroic and brave, yet their personality may be more awkward and aloof. They probably wear a mask over their mouth to try to make themself seem more secretive during their heists, have longer hair, and- maybe a white/gold/black (+ some small additions of light cyan) color scheme would work best? I think horns (taking inspo from Arataki Itto!) would also be neat! Onis are probably my favorite Genshin species right now, Itto is the most well known of them. <3

(I know I've rambled a lot, so please feel free to try anything if you pick me! Thank you so much for this opportunity. <33)

- idm, just no feminine female (andro, masc female, fem male, masc male are ok)

- not pyro or electro, whatever fits

- falconer, has a bird (hence no pyro or electro..)

- catalyst or polearm

- thick gloves and shoulder pad

- from inazuma

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Feminine or masculine: feminine pls!

Element: pyro

Design notes: I like a character who has a small stature. Cuz in Genshin Impact, I liked the designs of Qiqi and Klee very much!~ It would be great if you could create a custom similar to those vibes. Feel free to go wild on the design, but pls don't make the character have white/grey hair. I have too many charas with that hair color. Q^Q

Thank you for the chance!

suprise me you have full creative freedom this 

thanks for the chance

thank chu for this opportunity! fem or masculine: feminine pls element: wind design notes: long hair flowing, and rest the pls surprise me ^^

Feminine or masculine: Feminine humanoid!

Element: Maybe something dark or icy!

design notes: I like a lot of old japanese art as well as slight mecha stuff like robotic hand claws, not a fan of skirts tho but dresses are cool! Tysm for the opportunity tho!

Feminine or masculine: indifferent, go nuts! androgyny, femininity, masculinity... just throw around whatever feels nice!

Element: electro, that sounds good!

design notes: A shepherd to seelies, probably with a seelie-like color pallete? I wouldn't mind some non-human traits (like how Yanfei has antlers, Ganyu has horns, etc.). Maybe a hood that kinda looks like the shape of a wisp? It's really up to you, thanks for the chance!

Finished! This took me forever lol hope you like it! Ps if you ever lose connection/ don’t want it please regift to me or someone else ( pref me ) 

Yooo thank ya so much!!

Np! Hope u like em :3

I absolutely love 'em! They've got a light bio already, if you wanna look!

Ahh I saw it! I love the bio and code you picked out, it fits very well ^^

tysm for the opportunity! :)

Feminine or masculine: Feminine

Element: Anemo 

design notes: some form of an adventurer with a blindfold, a long cape, and maybe a lot of cold colors for the palette? :o

Feminine or masculine: ( ps more likely to do fem characters I’m just better at them ) Fem!

Element: ( idk if you call these elements I’m not up to date on the genshin lore :U ) I guess something with hearts or darkness

design notes ( please give me ideas so that I know what you want, I might not use all of them but it helps! ) Maybe just a girl with any outfit you make and long hair. Also heterochromia ^^

Thank you so much!! So excited if you can do mine ^^ you can choose everything about them ! Have fun!