Lizzie Iclyn the Fennec Fox



2 years, 2 months ago


Full Name

Elizabeth Iclyn


Lizzie (All of her peers and her citizens refer to her as this)


Fennec Fox, Elemental








Ice Paradise


Cryokinesis, Inferna-Cryokinesis


Team Protostar


G.U.N., World Order of Mobius, Team Protostar, the Elementals


Highly athletic, gifted swimmer, mixed martial arts, strong public speaking skills, an unusual resiliance to overworking herself when keeping herself busy


Lizzie Iclyn is a very energetic Fennec Fox who takes her triple life (which she deems normal) very seriously. She tends to be often overworked, yet somehow has the resilience to not feel exhaustion. She is a very nice and welcoming person, and generally quick to action when her Elemental duties take priority.


Constantly keeping herself busy with things to do as often as possible (be it athletic activities, her normal triple life, etc.)


Not having anything to do to occupy herself (for any reason whatsoever other than sleep or having to eat)

Job Occupations

Prime Minister of Ice Paradise, Superspy, Swimsuit Model


Lizzie Iclyn is the current Elemental of Ice, who inherited the mantle from the will of Planet Mobius after the death of the 80th Ice Elemental. She is also the last child of a family of Fennec Foxes who has led the city found in Ice Paradise Zone for years since it was first constructed; the Iclyns. Lizzie's powers were discovered by the planet's will almost immediately, detecting her qualifications (having Cryokinesis and its Infernakinetic counterpart as powers from birth) almost immediately after the last chosen candidate died. Upon the planet's will discovering her, Lizzie's genetics were altered to have the DNA of an Elemental. It is unknown how the planet's will incorporated itself into her species, even to all forms of science.

Like all of her fellow Elementals, she lives a normal life when not doing her heroic duties as an Elemental due to their existence as heroes being kept completely off the record so the title of Elemental could fade into legend. (And it could protect any current Elementals as thoroughly as possible) Unlike her fellow Elementals and the past Ice Elementals, she has a normal life that can be deemed anything but. Lizzie lives a triple life when not doing her heroic duties for the planet's protection as an Elemental; being the prime minister of Ice Paradise Zone (the youngest in its entire history, as past ones were in their 40s-50s), a world famous superspy, and a world famous swimsuit model. It is a triple life that leaves her heavily overworked constantly. While one would think she would be heavily exhausted and stressed from all the work, Lizzie has quite the abnormal resilience to go through it all due to her constantly energetic demeanor.

When the second generation Team Protostar helped aid her home from an attack by Team Gehenna, Lizzie decided to join the team despite the protest of her government and the team (Both sides unaware of her true nature as an Elemental; Team Protostar not wanting to put the life of a world famous celebrity at risk, and the Ice Paradise government seeing her as a normal young woman who needs to keep her citizens calm as the final heir of the Iclyns' Prime Minister status); Lizzie seeing her true talents as a great help to her newfound friends and teammates.

As a byproduct of being a highly active superspy and a swimsuit model, Lizzie Iclyn is a very athletic young woman; capable of flexibility and nimble feats (especially for fennec fox standards) that can make even Nefertari Moon jealous. Lizzie has amazing lungs, being able to hold her breath underwater for startling amounts of time. She is also an amazing swimmer who doesn't tire easily. Despite her abilities making one think she purely excels at ranged combat, Lizzie is self-trained in mixed martial arts. All of these talents make Lizzie a very dependable ally, and her political experience makes her an excellent mediator...serving as the voice of reason during Team Protostar's arguments.

It is unknown to her peers how Lizzie is able to keep such a cramped schedule. As a result they tend to overthink, and not realize Lizzie keeps a personal schedule to herself at all times; one she keeps as lenient (albeit heavily cramped) for herself as possible. At any moment, she could be practicing her fighting or lung capacity. At any other? She could be exercising, doing espionage, partaking in a swimsuit modeling photoshoot, or even using her celebrity status as a public figure as a means to communicate with citizens in the public and build relationships.

Out of everyone to ever be part of Team Protostar as a whole, Lizzie Iclyn is the most low maintenance member to ever join either incarnation of the team despite her celebrity status saying otherwise at a glance. In fact, she is surprisingly open to including her teammates in her personal life's activities. Her constant desire to stay busy even has her wanting to partake in the talents and favorite activities of her teammates when they're available.