Noriko Matiku



2 years, 5 months ago



          + Noriko Matiku +

                        Name                         Noriko Matiku                         
                        Talent                         Ultimate Yakiniku Chef                         
                        Gender                         She/Her                         
                        Colour                         Black + White                         



Personality - Noriko is a generally a perfectionist. Every little thing must be right along with everything always needing to be prepared. Noriko is really hard on herself if she gets anything wrong, as she feels like she ruined everything and it’s not gonna be ok.

With this perfection, she tries to practice her cooking skills everyday, making the best recipe possible, which makes her lose quite a bit of sleep in order to do so along with her being a very minimalist and simple person, to minimise other things about her to make life a bit easier. When working Noriko can be nice and tries to talk calmly, but is usually quite panicky and stressed while doing so.

Noriko took up cooking yakiniku as she found cooking with direct fire really fun and interesting to experiment with, as you can use different vegetables and meats.

⁃ Strengths - Noriko can seem relatively calm when around panicky things, she is really good at cooking anything, she’s good with fire, she’s very simple and minimalist!

⁃ Flaws - Noriko isn’t that good at coping under stress, she also puts herself down very often and blames things happening on herself, she is pretty sleep-deprived and all of it is due to the perfectionist inside her.

⁃ Likes - Fire, cooking, trying multiple different objects to cook, being perfect

⁃ Dislikes - messing up, things not being prepared, being a “failure”, panic, big crowds of people watching her


           "To be added"         


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