Himura Koichi



2 years, 2 months ago


The young lord


Shion, only Shion, is a young man who lives his life without a care in the world. Well, technically only one, having to wear a dress whenever he's out and about.

Personality: Playful, Naive, Air-head, Reckless, Curious, Straight forward, Sticky, Empathethic


Name meaning

"Brilliant light / Radiant"




18-20 yrs old


23rd of July


1,75 m



  • He isnt that good at physical combat
  • Bit of a scaredy cat, bit of a klutz too
  • He would have gotten pushed around a lot if it wasnt for his sister
  • He's got two hands
  • Master of sneaking out undetected
  • Its a bit of a ditz but can get most work done once he's shoved in a desk
  • Design: black hair and amber eyes
  • Must not forget thick but short eyebrows
  • Wears mostly blue shades, doesnt carry around a sword
  • Mostly wore his hair in a ponytail as a child, usually as an adult keeps it in a bun
  • His hair is between straight and wavy, tends to curl up a bit


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Act I

Koichi was born along with his twin sister into a loveless arranged marriage.

After being washed and dressed to look presentable enough, Shion was taken to the village to be sold.

Act II

Shion was lucky enough that his buyers were rather decent people. They were the owners of a teather troupe looking for young ones to train as future performers. The little boy didnt say a word as he was exchanged for a small sum of money.

After getting a good look at his features, the owner decided he would be best for a female role and so he started learning. The rest of his childhood was spent training for performances, running minor errands for the owners and trying to be a dilligent child. Shion´s skinny frame and short height didnt change with time but his health impoved as well as his looks. Gone was the scrawny child and its place stood a young man.


One day he encountered the young master of the Himura household. He praised Shion greatly for his skill onstage and seemed unable to take his eyes off the boy, even going as far as asking if they could be friends. Shion accepted with a bit of wariness, he had the luck of not encountering any unsavory characters but he still knew it wasnt wise to blindly trust someone from an influential family.

But the young master was genuine with his pure intentions, only wishing to enjoy the boy's company. Little by little Shion and the young master grew closer. The latter told him about his turbulent family situation and Shion in return told him of his indebment to the theater owners. That's when young master Koichi offered to buy his freedom, promising that he wouldnt force him to be a servant. Koichi just wished for his friend to be free to make his own choices. So once he was free of his debt, he returned to the young master, determined to remain by his side. Not out of guilt but simply because he finally found a place to feel at ease.

Act IV

Shion's new residence became the Himura household after a little issue with the Lord but that was quickly fixed. The boy made sure to cheer on his young master as the latter carried out his punishment for spending such a sum of money without consulting his father. More time went by as the pair of teens stayed together, growing even closer but still maintaining that innocence of childhood sweethearts.

That was until Koichi was deemed of marriable age. His situation wasnt up to debate since he was the only heir to the Himura household but the latter refused to give up on his lover. So they had the crazy idea to find a lady who wouldn't mind that her husband brought his first partner into the relationship. The process was certainly excruciating since no ladies of respectable families seemed like she would be into the idea. Shion would always approach them first after the matchmaking meetings we set. Some would ignore him, others would confuse him for a servant and demand to be serviced. Those were quickly crossed off the list of possible wives for the young master. The pair were becoming disheartened with every lost chance.

Act V

But that's when Shion met the lady of the Akibara family by chance. Polite, firm and a head taller than him. Even though she could clearly see his plain clothes she didnt treat him dismissively. Later on they meet another and another time. After getting to share a nice afternoon for tea with the lady, Shion went looking for Koichi inmediately so a matchmaking meeting with her parents could be arranged. The family agreed and as the girl's parents discussed with the lord, Koichi tried to present the idea to the young lady.

Getting her to listen to Koichi was somewhat complicated but after Shion explained their reasons and how he trusted the young master would treat the young lady with all the respect she deserved, the latter agreed. As formal dates were arranged between the pair, the trio would hold their own meetings. Mainly so Koichi and Rin could get to know each other, Shion acting as the glue making them stay on place. As things worked out between the couple and the families, their wedding was arranged. What no one expected was the young master to show up with a second woman in tow, to become his second wife. After the ceremony was finished and the newlyweds were ushered to their chambers, Shion finally got the chance to pull of his veil and breathe some fresh air. The young was livid at the pair for giving her such a scare, even refusing to drink with the two for a while. She did eventually give in. That night Shion got a husband and a wife, of course at the price of being a "second wife" to everyone else. But he didnt mind.



Partner/Husband/ "Wife"

"Hello my little flower"

It wasnt love at first sight but his deep friendship with the little actor did develop into something more to such point that he got him his freedom. He greatly adores the young man, sometimes being even a little over protective.

Akibara Rin


"Hello my beloved~. Hey why are you glaring like that? Its true!"

Koichi enjoys teasing his wife. He initially felt a little intimidated (and a little intrigued) by her cold demeanor but as they got to know each other he started to see more side of her he found endearing. He mostly relies on her to help him run the household, more than often having to rush to her for help.

Himura Koharu

Twin sister

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Himura Kohaku & Ren

Father & father's lover/pseudo parent

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Former Madam and SR doppelganger

Mother/Mother's husband

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