Armaros's Comments

Is this still available or sold?

Hello!! This character is still available:) 

May I buy him? I have cashapp!

Ahh yes!! I’m open to $5-$10, here’s my Cashapp:) 

I sent the 10!

Thank you so much!! Sending the character over:) 

1 Replies

Is this by chance still available? I saw someone offered but you still have it :0

Yeah it’s still open 

I would like to exchange it for a comm voucher :3

Ohh!! Well i have some commission vouchers of my own available :0 

So if you’re interested you can pick any one or two of them :> 

hey! Is this still availible?

Yeah, it is :3

sick! Autobuy is 10$? or do you sorta like offer up to the $30 mark

If you want it like this it is 10, for 30 I put color in it 

oh sick, i'll grab it like this for 10!

Dm me, pls 🙏

i will answer later I’m at the doc rn