Yogurt (Mage of Hope (Sburb!Yogurt))




Mage is the product of a corrupted Sburb session where the white queen ended up taking the role as antagonist – she went to extreme lengths to stop the reckoning from happening, to the point where the reckoning was a better option for the players. Mage teamed up with the black queen to stop the WQ, begin the reckoning, and succeed in creating the new universe to live in.

Once established in the new universe, using Derse as the vessel to move both the remaining Prospitian and Dersite Carapacian population, Mage goes to sleep in their tower out of grief. The Carapacians revere them as a powerful protector that will come if called for, given their godtier status, although to outsiders it just appears to be a religion based around the tallest tower on the Derse Moon.