


6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Closed Species Token Spirit

All information can be found on my DA and the Token Spirit Grounp

Original OC

This char is %100 of my own work.

Custom Valix Spirit

This Spirit pairs up with my adopted Valix Elissa


To view references, outfits, weapons and so on for this character take a look at the extra tabs under the characters icon on the left. Missing References: Human Form, Outfit

The Birth of Chakra

Chakra was born from the mix of emotions that run through Elise, Chakra embodies the light, good nature of Elise. She is a Valix Token Spirit and there for is born from the energy and emotions of her partnered Valix. This time there was two spirits born at the same time. It is a puzzle as to why there was two spirits and not a Yin-Yang Aura one

Chakra's Personality

Chakra is the calmer, color personality of the two spirits born to Elise. She is very helpful and keeping both Reiki and Elise calm and out of trouble. Though if the two of them get going at the same time there is not much Chakra can do but hope for the best.


Chakra's element is light so she can do several light based energy attack, but she is best at sheilds and barriors. As long as there is light around her she can use it for her magic. She can also make a flash of blinding light for escaping.

Chakra's partner

Chakra's partner is Elise the Valix of Opposition, Elise is bipolar and has some very drastic mood swings, but she dose want to help and over all is a very good person. Elise's was in a personal conflict with herself over what to do about something going on when two Token Spirits were born from her energy. The Three are very close and they balance each other out very well.

Complete Trait List:

Gender: Female
Aura: Light Aura
Body Type: Normal Wolf
Element: Light
Gem Shape: Circle
Eyes: Circle
Circlet: Common
Number of Tails and Ear Feathers: 1
Number of Wing Gems: 2
Accessories: Tail Charm
Pattern: Her pattern is the same as Elise's,